1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-ria,-tia) to make stand, erect, put up, construct, raise, establish.
Me whakatū he pēke motuhake mā ngā Māori hei huarahi āwhina i ngā Māori ki runga i ngā mahi pāmu, hoko kau, hanga whare mō rātou, whakatū wheketere pata, mira kani rākau, mira haraheke, me ērā atu mahi e puta ai he painga mō te iwi Māori (TTT 1/10/1931:63). / Separate banks should be established as a way to help Māori with regard to farming, buying cows, building houses for themselves, establishing butter factories, sawmills, flax mills and those other activities that will benefit the Māori people.
Synonyms: hiki, whakatāiri, whakaaranga, kōranga, hāpai, hī, huataki, rangahua, huaranga, araara, whakatiputipu, whakakaurera, riariaki, whakatairangaranga, whakatupu, whakapakeke, mairanga, riaki, whakaara, whakaikeike, whakarawe, whakatipu, whāngai
2. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-ria,-tia) to elect, put on, instigate, appoint, place.
3. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-ria,-tia) to stop, pull up, bring to a halt.
Ka kite hoki taku tuakana i a au e tū ana i te taha o te huarahi i tō mātau kāinga, ka whakatū ia i ana hōiho, kia piki atu au ki runga i te rore, ka noho i tōna taha (HP 1991:22). / And when my elder brother saw me standing at the side of the road at our home he stopped his horses and I climbed onto the lorry and sat beside him.
4. (modifier) erecting, establishing, instituting.
Ko te wāhi hou o tēnei pōti ko te whakaaetanga o te taha turaki i te waipiro kia utua te moni e whā miriona pauna me te hāwhe (£4,500,000) ki te rōpū whakatū hōtēra mehemea ka tupono te hinga o te taha whakatū waipiro i tēnei pōti (TKO 12/2/1919:3). / The new part of this election is the agreement of the alcohol prohibitionists to pay four and a half million pounds (£4,500,000) to the association erecting hotels if the side supporting alcohol happens to be defeated at this election.
5. (noun) erection (of a building, etc.), election, establishment.
Ko te kaupapa i mārama ki tēnei komiti ko te whakatū i tētahi Māori hei pīhopa āwhina, hei tiaki i te taha Māori (TTT 1/5/1928:774). / The matter is clear to this committee is the establishment of a Māori as assistant bishop to care for the Māori aspect.