1. (verb) (-a,-ria) to cause to grow, rear, cherish, bring up, raise.
Whakatipu kūmara, taro, aruhe ai (HP 1991:28). / They grew kūmara, taro and fern root.
See also whakatupu
Synonyms: kōkai, hikutira, hikumaro, hāpai, hī, huataki, rangahua, huaranga, araara, whakatiputipu, whakakaurera, riariaki, whakatairangaranga, hiki, whakatū, riaki, mairanga, whakapakeke, whakaara, whakatupu, whakaikeike, whakarawe, whāngai, whakatāiri, whakaaranga, kōranga
2. (modifier) growing, rearing, future.
Ki tōna whakaaro, kua tae noa mai te māharahara me te wiri o te ngākau ki te taumaha o te rere o te ia Pākehā, ki te whakakore i te iwi Māori me ō rātau uri whakatipu ki te noho, ki te mahi hoki i ō rātau whenua ake (TTR 1996:68). / In his mind he had become anxious and trembling that the influence of the Pākehā had become so strong that the Māori people and their descendants would not be able to live on and use their own lands.
Synonyms: whakatupu, whakatiputipu
3. (noun) growing, growth, rearing, raising, breeding.
Koirā te wā i puta ai ngā āhuatanga mō ngā momo mahi kai katoa i ō mātau mātua: te whakatipu kūmara, rīwai, inā kē te nunui o ngā māra (EM 2002:57). / That was the time when the ways for producing all sorts of food by our parents was evident: growing kūmara, potatoes, and the gardens were huge.
Synonyms: whakatupu, whakatūtū, whakapiki, whakaputu, huti, hutinga, hīanga