1. (verb) to raise.
I taua wā anō, e araara ake ana te pātai a ngā Pākehā hī taraute – o Aotearoa nei me ō tāwāhi – pukuriri kē nei, he aha tēnei mana ki te tono utu a te iwi o Hoani mā, mō te mana o te tangata ki te haere ki te hī taraute (TTR 1998:197). / At the same time, the question was being raised by irate Pākehā anglers - from New Zealand and overseas - about the right of Hoani's people to request payment for a person to have the right to go trout fishing.
Synonyms: whakatupu, whakapakeke, mairanga, riaki, whakatū, whakaara, whakaikeike, whakarawe, whakatipu, whāngai, whakatāiri, whakaaranga, kōranga, hāpai, hī, huataki, rangahua, huaranga, whakatiputipu, whakakaurera, riariaki, whakatairangaranga, hiki
2. (verb) to raise (a warparty, etc.).
Nō te pito o te tekau tau 1960 araara haere ake ngā tauā mautohe, ā, ko te mahi he whakapātaritari ki te tūmatanui (Te Ara 2015). / In the late 1960s protest groups rose up with the purpose of challenging the public.