1. (verb) (-a,-ngia) to select, pick, choose.
Ko ngā kōrero me ngā kupu ka tuhituhia ki raro iho nei he mea whiriwhiri, he mea kōwhiti mai nō roto i ngā reta i tuhituhia e ngā minita (THNT 13/2/1863:2). / The accounts and words written below were chosen and selected from the letters written by the ministers.
Synonyms: kōhiti, pika, kato, whawhati, katokato, kōwhiri, whiriwhiri, kōwaewae, kōwae, kaiwhiri, māhiti, kōhari
2. (verb) (-a,-ngia) to pull out, pull off, pull up.
Ko te ngote o te pātara me kōwhiti, ka horoi ki te wai tote: hei muri iho ka pāera mō te rima meneti. Ka mutu tēnā ka waiho i rō wai tote (TTT 1/10/1927:699). / The teat of the bottle should be pulled off, washed in salty water, and after that boil it for five minutes. When that's done leave it in salty water.
Synonyms: kohika, unu, whakatū, koko, tākiri, kume, whakatahi, maunu, huhuti, huti, hutihuti, heu, kounu, auru, paunu, kōhiti, unuunu
3. (verb) to appear (of stars and the moon), rise, appear as the new moon.
Ā te 4 o ngā rā kōwhiti ai te marama. Ā te 19 o ngā rā hua ai te marama (TMT 1/10/1861:16). / On the 4th day the new moon appears. On the 19th day is the full moon.
See also kōhiti
4. (noun) ulna, forearm bone.
Ko te kōwhiti te kōiwi o muri o te kikowhiti (RP 2009:348). / The ulna is the bone at the back of the forearm.
5. (noun) cross stitch.