2. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to project, protrude, stick out.
I kite ia i ngā kōiwi e kounu ake ana i te pūroto o Te Whanga (TTR 1990:153). / He saw the bones protruding from Te Whanga Lagoon.
Synonyms: kōture, koure, tiko, whātero, whāterotero, whererei, hingonga, whakawhana, whakakaupapa, hinonga, koutu, whakatakanga, kūmore, kūrae, pūrero
3. (adjective) be out of joint, dislocated.
Ngā mate o taua 600 tamariki ko ia ēnei e whai ake nei: he tuarā hake, he waewae hapehape, he kopa, he pararaiha nō ngā waewae, he pararaiha nō ngā ringaringa, he kakī pakoki, he kounu nō te iwi-o-te-tuarā, he parori nō te tikihope (TTT 1/1/1925:170). / The ailments of those 600 children were the following: hunchbacked, leg deformities, lameness, paralysis of the legs and arms, distorted necks, dislocated spine and crooked thighs.
Synonyms: tanoi