1. (verb) (-a) to break, split, break open, rend, break through, cut (a pack of cards).
Ā i pūhia anō hoki e ia tana raiwhara ki aua Māori, he mea pupuhi ake e ia i roto i te kaipuke, anō ka puta te matā i te papatakahi o te kaipuke, mate rawa atu te tangata i ngā maramara o ngā papa i wāhia ake e te matā o tana pū (TW 6/4/1878:152). / And he also fired his rifle at those natives, firing it inside the ship and the bullet came out on through the deck of the ship, and the splinters of the boards smashed by the bullet of his gun killed a man.
2. (verb) (-a) to partition, subdivide.
Mehemea kāore e whakaae katoa ngā tāngata nō rātou tētahi whenua, me tuku tonu atu e te Kōmihana ki te Tumuaki o te Kōti te rārangi ingoa o ngā tāngata e hē ana, me te tono hoki kia wāhia te whenua (RT 2013:100). / If the people who own a piece of land do not all agree, the Commissioner should submit the list of names of the people disagreeing to the Chief Judge with the request that the land be subdivided.
3. (noun) opening, break.
Synonyms: waha, angotanga, pūwaha, puta, puare, whakatuheratanga, whakapuaretanga, whakatuwheratanga, whakapuare, tomokanga, tāwaha, wāhinga, pūaha, tomotomokanga, pūahaaha, tarawaha, whakatuhera, putanga, wherawhera, whakatuwhera, wherahanga
4. (noun) location, locality, place, part, piece, portion, section, share, segment, allocation.
E rua ngā kōti tēnehi, me tētahi wāhi purei hōkī, otirā he wāhi motuhake mō ngā tini tākaro a ngā tamariki (TTT 1/12/1930:2201). / There were two tennis courts and a place to play hockey, indeed a special place for the many children's games.
Synonyms: taiwhanga, whiu, whakatakoto, whakanohonoho, whakanoho, whakatū, panga, makamaka, maka, whiuwhiu, kopou, piriri, pīhi, ngota, maramara, tūtanga, hea, tiri, tauwāhi, porohanga, mara, anganga, tapahanga, tekiona, kōwaewae, kaupeka, kōwae, moka, kōihi, wae, wāhanga, taha, wawae, kōwai, tūāporo, tekihana, wehenga, whiti, rārangi, tohatoha, toha, tuari, wakawaka