1. (noun) prologue, opening, prelude.
I ētahi whakaari, ka whakaurua he kāpeka poto i te tīmatanga hei wāhi i te whakaari matua. I ētahi wā, he kaikōrero, koirā noa iho, ko tāna he whakamārama i te horopaki o te whakaari, tōna pūtake rānei. Ka kīia tēnei ko te wāhinga o te whakaari (RMR 2017). / In some plays a short scene is inserted at the beginning to open the main play. At other times it is a narrator, that's all, and her task is to explain the context of the play or its source. This is called the prologue of the play.
Synonyms: tūāmua, tarawaha, tomotomokanga, pūaha, wāhi, tāwaha, tomokanga, whakapuare, whakatuwheratanga, whakapuaretanga, whakatuheratanga, pūahaaha, puta, pūwaha, angotanga, waha, wherahanga, whakatuwhera, wherawhera, putanga, whakatuhera, puare