1. (verb) (-a) to tear, rip, rend, tear off.
Tīhaea te pepa hiriwa mā ō matimati (kaua mā ō niho kei puaretia te pūkoro ure) (HM 2/2004). / Tear the silver paper with your fingers (not with your teeth in case you put a hole in the condom).
Synonyms: wāhi, tīhaehae, kōreparepa, tārua ā-matihiko, kauere, ngaeke
2. (verb) to be torn.
E tangi ana ki tana kākahu mārena i takahia ki ana rekereke, ka tīhae (PK 2008:921). / She's crying about her wedding gown which she trod on with her heels and it is torn.