tārua ā-matihiko
1. (verb) to extract digitally, rip.
Me tārua ā-matihiko, ka pupuri ai hei kōnae MP3 (RTP 2015:103). / It must be extracted digitally and retained as an MP3 file.
Synonyms: kōreparepa, kauere, tīhaehae, tīhae, ngaeke
2. (noun) digital extraction.
Ko te tārua ā-matihiko te kapo i tētahi puoro, i tētahi ataata rānei me te tārua ki tētahi kōnae rorohiko, tētahi kōpae rānei (RTP 2015:103). / Digital extraction is the extraction of musical or visual content and the copying of it to a computer file or disc (RTP 2015:103).