1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to meet and discuss, deliberate, consider.
Nā te rūnanga i Pēria i whakahaere te kāwanatanga o te rohe, me te whakawā ina te wānangatia ki roto i te whare rūnanga (TTR 1990:321). / The council at Pēria provided local government and also dispensed justice, after discussion in the meeting house.
2. (noun) seminar, conference, forum, educational seminar.
Ka whakawāteatia atu e ia tōna marae mō ngā wānanga me ngā huihuinga mātauranga (TTR 2000:118). / He offered his marae for educational seminars and gatherings.
Synonyms: hui
3. (noun) tribal knowledge, lore, learning - important traditional cultural, religious, historical, genealogical and philosophical knowledge.
Kete tuauri, kete tuatea, kete aronui: Ko ngā kete o te wānanga i tīkina e Tāne i a Io-matua (M 2006:12). / Kit of sacred knowledge, kit of ancestral knowledge, kit of life's knowledge. These are the kits of knowledge that Tāne fetched from Io the-parent (M 2006:15).
Synonyms: akoranga, tikanga tuku iho, tikanga
4. (noun) instructor, wise person, sage, authority, expert, guru, philosopher, savant.
Kīhai i tae ki ngā pūkenga, ki ngā wānanga, ki ngā tauira (W 1971:479). / It did not reach the repositories of knowledge, the wise people and the skilled people.
Synonyms: ruānuku, whakatuatea, hīnātore, mātauranga
5. (noun) tertiary institution that caters for Māori learning needs - established under the Education Act 1990.
Ko te Wānanga o Raukawa kua tū hei whare wānanga mō te rangatahi Māori (Te Ara 2013). / Te Wānanga o Raukawa which has been established as a tribal centre of higher learning for young Māori.