1. (noun) sprouts of the hen and chickens fern, Asplenium bulbiferum.
Kātahi anō te wahine a Paoa ka hoki mai i te whawhaki pikopiko, i te whawhaki manehau (NM 1928:158). / Paoa's wife had just returned from picking pikopiko (common shield fern shoots) and manehau (hen and chickens fern shoots).
1. (verb) (-ngia,-a,-hia) to whisper, murmur, grumble, chatter, speak.
E koro mā, akona mai tō tātou manu Māori, whangainga hoki ki 'ngā hue o te tau' kia kaha ai tana kotete (KO 1/3/1882:1). / Sirs, teach our Māori bird, and feed it with 'the fruits of the year' so that it strong enough to speak out.
Synonyms: kotekote, kōhetehete, kōwhetewhete, tamumu, warowaro, kōmuhumuhu, whetewhete, warawara, wara, tamūtamū, tāwara, kihi, kohete, kowhete, kōmuhu, kōkihi, ngaehe, wawara, wawaro, whakatanguru, ngāeheehe
2. (noun) first shoot.
1. (verb) (-a) to spring up, begin to grow.
Ka pō, kātahi ka whakaaro ngā tāngata whenua, a Ngāti Hinewai, koi tahuri te taua ki te hauhake i ngā purapura o ā rātau māra kūmara, kua pihi hoki te kūmara, ngā tipu (JPS 1919:93). / When night fell the local people, Ngāti Hinewai, became concerned that the war party might set about harvesting the tubers of their kūmara gardens as the kūmara had started shooting sprouts.
2. (noun) shoot, sprout, antler, horn.
Ko ngā pihi o te purapura i te take o te purapura e kore e tino kaha te tupu o ērā, tēnā ko te pihi e tupu ake ana i te matamata o te rīwai e ngakia ana hei purapura, ko te pihi tērā e tino nui he rīwai e tupu (TW 20/4/1878:177). / The sprouts at the base of the tuber don't grow very vigorously, whereas the shoots growing up from the top of the potato produce much more vigorous offspring.
See also tū ngā pihi, pipihi
Synonyms: tupu, kotete, tipu, kōkihi, wene, pupuhi, pipihi, puhi, puhipuhi, pihinga, kāwai, tītere
1. (verb) (-hia,-tia,-a) to delay, hinder, stall, defer, postpone.
Kāti tō tinaku i te haere o ngā mahi - kei kore noa e oti i te wā kua whakaritea (PK 2008:929). / Stop delaying the progress of the work - or it won't be completed on schedule.
Synonyms: whakatārewa, hiki
2. (verb) to germinate, sprout, conceive.
Ki te mea ka taka te kākano ki te wāhi e tika ana ka tinaku, ā, ka pihi ake he tipu hou. / If a seed falls in the right place it will germinate and a new seedling will sprout up.
3. (noun) tubers for planting, seed potato, cultivation ground, garden.
1. (verb) (-ria) to grow, increase, spring, issue, begin, develop, sprout, prosper, originate - eastern dialect variation of tupu.
E tipu ana i reira te miro, te kawhi, te tupeka, me te tōhuka (TP 8/1899:3). / Cotton, coffee, tobacco and sugar cane grow there.
See also tupu
3. (noun) seedling, growth, development, shoot, bud, plant.
Ko te nuinga o ngā tipu he uri nō Tāne Mahuta, nō Rongomātāne, ā, nō Tangaroa hoki ētahi (RP 2009:402). / The majority of plants are of the realm of Tāne Mahuta, Rongomātāne and Tangaroa.
Synonyms: tanu, pou, rākau, tou, rumaki, tiri, tiritiri, kōkō, whakatō, whakatōtō, whakatopatopa, marotiritiri, tupu, wana, pihinga, pihi, pipihi, puhi, puhipuhi, kāwai, tītere, kotete, kōkihi, wene, pupuhi
4. (noun) swelling, lump.
Me haere koe ki te rata kia tirohia mai te tipu i tō tuarā. / You had better go to the doctor to have the lump on your back looked at.
Synonyms: poikurukuru, pōkurukuru, repe, koropuku, pungapunga, punga, huahua, pukupuku, puku
2. (noun) bud (of a plant).
Ko te tīpona te wāhi i te tō o tētahi tipu e pihi ake ai he rau hou, he peka hou, he toroihi hua rānei (RP 2009:401). / The node is the point on a plant from which the new leaves, branches or fruit buds grow.
1. (verb) to sprout afresh, re-emerge, re-establish, reappear, resprout, regrow.
Mahara aua iwi o Tūranga nei i tapahi ai i taua rākau, e kore e torokiki ake i ōna pakiaka, nā, kua tupu anō (W 1971:440). / Those tribes of Gisborne thought that when that tree was cut down it would never regrow from its roots, but it has grown again. (Major Rāpata Wahawaha on the Hauhau movement.)
2. (noun) resprouting, regrowth.
Me poro ngā kōmata ngingio o te rākau nā kia pai ai te torokiki anō ā te kōanga (PK 2008:295). / The withered ends of that plant should be shortened so that they will sprout well again in the spring.
1. (verb) (-ngia,-ria) to grow, increase, spring, issue, begin, develop, prosper, sprout, originate - western dialect variation of tipu.
Ko tēnei taru, ko te parakipere e mōhio ana ngā Māori, kei ngā wāhi katoa e tupu ana (TJ 2/8/1898:3). / Māori know that this plant, the blackberry, grows everywhere.
See also tipu
2. (modifier) real, genuine, own, ancestral.
I te haringa mai i te tinana o Hone Heke, ka tangihia ki Ōtaki, ki Whanganui. Nō te taenga ki tōna kāinga tupu ki Kaikohe, ka uhungatia e Ngā Puhi tōna tūpāpaku (TP 3/1909:3). / When Hone Heke's body was transported here it was wept over at Ōtaki and Whanganui. When it reached his ancestral home at Kaikohe, Ngā Puhi performed traditional funeral rites over his corpse.
Synonyms: taketake, tipu, ake, anō, tō, tinana, tino, tūturu
3. (noun) seedling, growth, development, shoot, bud.
2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to hollow out.
Whakangaoa te taha o te rākau o te matau, kia tapoko ai te pāua ki roto, kei tītengi te whakanoho, ā, ka riro i te ika (W 1971:229). / Hollow out the side of the hook so that the pāua shell can be inserted, but don't let it be insecure or it will be taken off by the fish.
3. (verb) (-a,-tia) to invest.
Hei tāna, ko te rīhi me te whakangao tonu atu i ngā moni rīhi a ngā kaiwhaipānga, kia mahia ai ngā whenua, whakamimiti hoki i te whakapau hua kore noa iho i ngā moni (TTR 1994:11). / He considered that leasing, together with the investment of the rent of the shareholders, would produce development and diminish the squandering of the money.
4. (noun) investment.
Nō mua tata tonu mai i te pōti whānui o te motu i 1911 ka rongo a Mahuta i ngā whakangao hē a Kaihau (TTR 1994:37). / Just before the 1911 general election, Mahuta heard about the bad investments of Kaihau.
5. (modifier) investing.
Waihoki tētehi mea nui hoki mō ngā Māori e whai pānga ana i roto i ngā poraka kaporeihana, kia mau tonu i a rātau te mana whakahaere o ngā rīhi, me te whai tonu i tētehi mahere whakangao hei whakarahi ake i tā rātau ake i tīmata tuatahi ai (TTR 1998:45). / An important thing also for Māori shareholders in the incorporated blocks was to retain control of the leases and to have an investment programme to increase the value of their original asset.
1. (verb) to bud, shoot (of a plant), sprout, come to life.
Arā te whakataukī mō te tangata ka mate, kīia ana ka hoki ki Te Pō mō ake tonu atu, kāore e wana ake anō pērā i te tī rākau: 'Ehara i te tī e wana ake' (Te Ara 2015). / There is the proverb about a person who dies, that they return to the world of darkness forever, unlike the cabbage tree, which sprouts up again: 'Not like the cabbage tree, which renews itself.'
2. (verb) to be exciting, thrilling, inspiring, stimulating, moving, rousing.
Ko tēnei hui he wāhi e āhei ai ngā reo katoa ki te whakamōhio he aha tā rātou e whakaako nei, e hiahia nei; ngā pukapuka, ngā rīpine, ngā ataata e pā ana ki taua reo me ngā āhuatanga hou katoa e whakaarotia ake ana e tēnā reo, e tēnā reo, kia wana ake ai ngā whakaakoranga, kia tahuri atu hoki te tangata ki taua reo (HM 1/1993:1). / This conference was a venue where all languages would be able to inform others about their teaching and what they were aspiring to do; the books, tape recordings and videos relevant to a particular language and all the new methods being considered by each language to enliven the teaching so that a person would be turned on by that language.
Synonyms: whakakorikori, whakaohooho, panuku, whakaaroharoha, whakanekeneke, whakaaroha, whakaneke, nekehanga
3. (noun) excitement, thrill, exhilaration, fervour, verve, gusto, zeal, zest, passion, energy, sparkle, liveliness, pizazz.
Ko te wana ki ahau, ko ngā rongo, ngā kare ā-roto rānei e ara mai ana i roto i a koe, nā runga i tētahi mahi e mahia mai ana e tētahi tangata (KR 2013:33). / To me, 'wana' are the feelings, or the emotions that rise up from within you as a result of some action performed by someone.
E ai ki te mahara ake o tētehi o te minenga ki a Mere e wani mai ana i te whatārangi kia tū ai ki te aroaro-ā-kapa, ki reira haka tahi atu ai me rātau me te puta o te ihi, o te wana (TTR 1998:1). / One member of the audience remembered Mere gliding across the stage to stand in the front row of the haka group to join them in the haka with great excitement and gusto.
Synonyms: ngangahau, mātātoa, hemonga, ihiihi, awata, kakare, ngākau whakapuke, whitawhita, matangareka, ngākaunui, whiwhita, tāwheta, rika, kaikaha
4. (noun) seedling, young shoot.
Ka taka iho ngā kākano o te nīkau ki te whenua, nāwai ā kua pihi ake, kua tipu mai he wana (PK 2008:1056). / The seeds of the nīkau tree drop to ground and after a time they sprout and seedlings grow.
5. (noun) stake, paling (of a fence).
1. (verb) (-ria) to put on clothes.
Synonyms: komo kākahu, kākahu
2. (verb) to germinate, grow, sprout.
He nui te mōmona o ētahi o ngā whenua; otiia, nā te tīkākā o te rā, e kore e āta kahu ngā kai, kōngio iho ngā hua, raupakatia iho ngā tupu (MM.TKM 1/1/1855:14). / Some of the lands are very fertile, but because of the intense heat the crops will not germinate properly, the fruit shrivels up and the plants fail.
3. (noun) garment, cloth, cloak, costume.
Kia āhua roa e pāwerawera ana, ka whakamaroke te tinana o te tūroro ki tētahi tāora, ā ka kuhu ai he kahu maroke (TTT 1/9/1928:846). / When the patient has been hot for quite a long time, dry the body with a towel and then put on dry clothes.
4. (noun) egg white, albumen, foetus, stillborn child.
Ki te mate te pēpi i te wā o te hapūtanga, o te whakawhānau rānei, ka kīia tērā ko te mate roto, ko te kahu. / If a baby dies during pregnancy or at birth it is said to be stillborn.
5. (noun) surface.
Kāti rā ka hōhā koe ki ngā murakehu āku e huirapa nei i te kahu o te pepa (TTT 1/6/1922:14). / That's enough, because you will be tired of my rambling dominating the paper's content.
2. (noun) southern conger, Conger verreauxi - greyish to black eel common on rocky reefs around the coast, usually at depths up to 200m.
See also kōiro
1. (verb) to begin to sprout.
See also mātātupu
2. (noun) first shoot.
He parareka kainga nā te ngārara tuia, me ringiringi ki te wai, me kore tētahi pūkonohi e ora hei putanga ake mō tētahi matatipu (W 1971:307). / Potato eaten by grubs should be placed in water in case an eye might survive for a shoot to emerge.
1. (modifier) throwing up shoots, sprouting.
Tuangia te ururua kia tupu whakaritorito te harakeke (TTT 1/4/1923:10). / Clear off the undergrowth so that the young shoots of the flax may grow vigorously. (A whakataukī advocating the discarding of rubbish to get to the heart of a matter. Often 'tūngia' for 'tuangia'.)
2. (transitive verb) tilt up.