1. (verb) to sprout afresh, re-emerge, re-establish, reappear, resprout, regrow.
Mahara aua iwi o Tūranga nei i tapahi ai i taua rākau, e kore e torokiki ake i ōna pakiaka, nā, kua tupu anō (W 1971:440). / Those tribes of Gisborne thought that when that tree was cut down it would never regrow from its roots, but it has grown again. (Major Rāpata Wahawaha on the Hauhau movement.)
2. (noun) resprouting, regrowth.
Me poro ngā kōmata ngingio o te rākau nā kia pai ai te torokiki anō ā te kōanga (PK 2008:295). / The withered ends of that plant should be shortened so that they will sprout well again in the spring.