



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (verb) (-tia) to anchor, fix with an anchor.

Ka mahia te kaupapa raupō ... ka hoea taua kaupapa ki te au o te awa punga ai (White 5 1888:68). / The raupō raft was made and then it was paddled into the current of the river to anchor it.

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2. (verb) (-tia) to secure.

E whakaae ana te Poari o Te Arawa mā rātou e punga te moni e £250 i ia tau mō ngā tau e rima, mō te oranga o te Pīhopa Māori (TTT 1/6/1928:794). / The Board of Te Arawa agrees that they will secure £250 each year for five years for the Māori Bishop's stipend.

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Synonyms: mau, tāmau, takuhe, ngita, whakangita, whita

3. (verb) (-a) to fall (of kōwhai flowers).

Ka pungā te kōwhai (W 1971:311). / The kōwhai flowers have fallen.

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4. (noun) anchor, lump, swelling.

Kua eke te punga, kua mau ki ngā hoe, kua kori katoa, kua korero i tō rātou reo (TP 1/1911:5). / When the anchor was aboard, they took hold of their oars and they all moved into action and spoke their language.

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Synonyms: repe, koropuku, pungapunga, huahua, pukupuku, puku, pōkurukuru, poikurukuru, tipu

5. (noun) tarsal, ankle bone.

He pona kaurori te punga e hono atu ana ki te takakaha me te kapiti (RP 2009:348). / The tarsal is the pivot joint joining the tibia and the fibula.

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6. (noun) collateral, security for a loan or a debt.

He mea tuku atu nei e Niniwa aua taonga rā ki te kaitaupua moni, hei punga mō te moni whakatārewa (TTR 2000:26). / Niniwa gave those heirlooms to the pawnbroker as collateral for loans.

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Synonyms: whakahaumaru, taituarā

7. (noun) odd number.

E rua tekau ngā tāngata, kotahi punga (W 1971:310). / Twenty-one people.

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Synonyms: taukehe, panatahi, kehe, makere

8. (noun) eel trap, eel-catching basket.

Ka oti aua punga nei, ka hoatu he poa, arā, he māunu mō roto i aua punga (White 2 1889:112). / When the eel-catching baskets were completed, an enticement was provided, that is bait was placed inside those eel traps.

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9. (noun) particle - a small grammatical word that comes before or after a base (i.e. a word that contains the main meanings of a sentence). Some particles indicate grammatical relationships and functions, but other particles limit and define the meaning of bases. Particles that come before bases include: ka, i, te, ki te, kei, tō, taku, o, a, e, mō, nā, he, te. Particles that come after bases include: nei, nā, rā, ana, ai.

Punga: Ngā kupu iti, kikokore o te reo ka tuitui haere i ngā kupu kiko e oti ai he kīanga whai tikanga, he rerenga whai tikanga (HJ 2015:12). / Particles: The small words of the language that lack real meaning but tie together the meaningful words to complete a meaningful phrase or sentence.

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10. (noun) coral - a general name.

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