2. (modifier) traditional tattooing.
Ka mauria te tohunga tā moko nei e Ngā Puhi mai i Hauraki ki te Tai Tokerau (TWK 51:10). / This tattooing expert was taken by Ngā Puhi from Hauraki to Northland.
3. (noun) traditional tattooing - Māori tattooing designs on the face or body done under traditional protocols.
He tohunga nō neherā mō ngā mahi whakapaipai i te tangata, mō te tā moko, mō te aha (M 2004:62). / An ancient expert in the art of personal decoration, of traditional tattooing and other arts.
2. (noun) tattooing pattern on the thigh.
1. (noun) Māori tattooing designs on the face or body done under traditional protocols.
Tika tonu mātou ki te whare hei kākahutanga i ō mātou kahu Māori, e takatū ana mō te haka, tā rawa te kanohi ki te moko (TP 1/12/1902:3). / We went straight to the house to change into our Māori costumes, prepare for the performance and apply the moko to our faces.
2. (noun) logo, trademark.
Kei te poraka e mau ana te moko o te Taura Whiri (arā, ki te uma (taha mauī), he whakaahua paku noa iho), ā, kei te angaangamate ko te moko whakanui i te Tau o te Reo Māori (HM 4/1994:12). / On the sweatshirt is the logo of the Māori Language Commission (that is on the chest (left side), just a small design), and on the reverse side is the logo celebrating the Year of the Māori Language.
1. (noun) skin art, tattooing - non-traditional tattooing that is not done using Māori protocols or imagery.
Mēnā he tānga tauira noa iho ki te kiri o te tangata, me te kore i aro ki te taha wairua, me ngā tikanga Māori, ka kīia tērā ko te kirituhi (RTA 2014:122). / If it's just tattooing a pattern with no consideration to the spiritual aspect and Māori protocols, that is said to be skin art.
1. (noun) kauri, Agathis australis - largest forest tree but found only in the northern North Island, it has a large trunk and small, oblong, leathery leaves, kauri resin, soot from burnt kauri gum used for tattooing.
Ko ia ki te whakahaere i ngā ōkiha e waru e kukume ana i ngā rākau kauri kua oti te tua ki raro, ki waho o te ngāhere (HP 1991:24). / He controlled the eight oxen pulling the kauri trees, which had been cut down, out of the forest.
2. (noun) moko soot, tattooing soot - burnt kauri gum used for tattooing.
3. (noun) moko, tattooing.
Anō te kiri, me te anuhe tawatawa ngā mahi a te kauri (NM 1928:23). / Look at the skin, the abundance of tattooing is like the markings on the skin of a mackerel!
2. (noun) tattoo marks under the ear.
Nōwhea e oti i a ia, i a Te Māhuki, ngā pūhoro, me ngā peke-ngārara - ngā pūtaringa, te ngū, ngā tītī, ngā tīwhana, me ērā atu hanga (KO 14/4/1883:5). / There was no way that he, Te Māhuki, could complete the tattoos on the thighs, on the limbs, the marks under the ears, on the side of the nose, the uppermost lines on the forehead, the lines above the eyebrows, and other ornamentation.
2. (modifier) entirely covered in tattooing.
Ka tāia pokeretia ērā tāngata (W 1971:290). / Those men are covered entirely with moko.
2. (verb) to squint, have a cast in the eye.
He pūhihi noa te hanga tinana o Wiremu Kupa, ā, ko tētahi o ngā kanohi e rewha ana (TTR 1998:18). / William Cooper was of slight build and had a squint in one eye.
3. (verb) to be cross-eyed.
Kua rewha kē ngā karu i te roa e noho ana i tana rorohiko (PK 2008:771). / He has gone cross-eyed from sitting at his computer for so long.
4. (noun) eyelid.
E wehi ana tātou kua kumea kia kapi ngā rewha o ngā kanohi o Ingarangi (KO 15/9/1885:1). / We are afraid that the eyelids of the eyes of England have been pulled shut.
5. (noun) tattoo marks above the eye.
Te huakitanga mai o te rewha i ōna moko (M 2006:330). / The uncovering of the eye-brow tattoo.
2. (noun) tattooed preserved head - done for two reasons, either to venerate a loved one, or as a trophy of war to ridicule an enemy. In the nineteenth century toi moko were traded with Pākehā in exchange for muskets and gunpowder.
E rua tekau ngā toi moko Māori e hoki mai ana i Parī ki te wā kāinga nei. Neke atu i te rua rau tau aua tūpuna e takoto ana i roto i ngā whare pupuri taonga o Wīwī (Te Karere 12-1-2012). / Twenty tattooed preserved Māori heads are returning home from Paris. Those ancestors have been in the museums of France for more than two hundred years.
2. (verb) (-tia) to repeat (any process), do again, copy, backup (computer), duplicate, dub.
I te taha o te awa rā, o Te Rere-o-Kapuni, ka rongo a Rātana i te reo e tārua ana i ētahi kupu a Tītokowaru (TTR 1996:153). / Beside the stream, Te Rere-o-Kapuni, Rātana heard a voice repeating words of Tītokowaru.
3. (noun) copy, duplicate, reproduction.
Āhua nui tonu nei ngā tārua kiriata i tukua ki Poihākena hei tohatohanga ki ngā whare tapere o reira (TTR 1998:172). / Several copies of film were sent to Sydney for theatre distribution there.
Synonyms: kape, whakaputa uri
1. (verb) (-hia,-tia) to adorn with curves, enhance, ornament, embellish.
Ko tāna he toa anō ki te māra, ki te tātai arorangi, ki te whakaniko kōrero, ki te moenga anō hoki (Te Ara 2014). / She said they were experts at gardening, at astronomy, at embellishing narratives, and in making love.
Synonyms: whakarei, whakapaipai, whakanikoniko, nakonako, tāraro, whakapīwari, whakanakonako, pōria
2. (modifier) adorned, ornamented, enhanced, embellished, tattooed.
Synonyms: tānikoniko, tāraro, whakairoiro, whakanikoniko
3. (noun) adornment, ornamentation, enhancement, embellishment.
He kōrero tā ngā ringa, he kupu tā ngā karu, whatārangi ana tana whakaniko i te kōrero (TTR 1998:206). / He used gestures, his eyes, and his stage presence to embellish the oration.
Synonyms: whakarākeitanga, whakarāwai, whakanakonako, whakarākei, whakarei, whakarākai, whakanikoniko
1. (verb) to be unfinished, roughly made, imperfect.
I te tīmatanga ka kōkau, ka pūhungahunga rānei i te korenga i ū engari nāwai rā, nāwai rā i roto i te wā ko tōna otinga mai he taonga e whakamiha ai, e monoa ai te tangata i te kaha o te waiwaiā mai (HM 1/1997). / Initially it is imperfect or deficient because it is not firmly established but eventually in time it finally becomes something that one can admire and appreciate for its beauty.
Synonyms: pūhungahunga
2. (verb) to be slim, lean (of the human figure).
Ka kōkau te tipu, ka rahirahi, ka ngāwari te waitohu o tēnā wahine hapū (JPS 1929:262). / If of slim, lean build then the signs of such a pregnant woman are easily noted.
3. (adjective) be carelessly done, without the usual preparations, slapdash, slipshod.
Ka kōia te kūmara ki rō oneone, kāore he kirikiri, he kōkau tēnā (W 1971:129). / The kūmara are planted in soil with no gravel, that's slapdash.
5. (modifier) slim, lean (of the human figure).
He iwi kōkau te tipu, he nunui ngā iwi o te tangata, he takoto ngā turi, he paraha te āhua o te kanohi, he kanae ngā mata, he tiro pīkari, he pātiki te ihu, ko te pongare he kaupararī; he makawe torotika, he mahora ētahi, he kiri pūwhero waitutu, he iwi kiriahi, he māngere (JPS 1913:169). / They were a thin, upright, tall people, a people with big bones, and their knees were prominent. Their faces were broad; the eyes were big with side-long glances. The nose was flat and the ridge of the nose was narrow, with the nostrils bulging out. The hair was straight, and some had lank hair. Their skins were reddish black. They were a people who kept close to the fire and were lazy.
6. (modifier) carelessly done, without the usual preparations, slapdash, slipshod.
E ai ki ētahi Māori kore moko, ko te moko he tuhituhi kōkau (Te Ara 2015). / According to some Māori without tattoos, the moko of others as scribbles.
1. (noun) tattooing on the buttocks.
He tangata māia a Te Pahi, e tata ana te ono putu tōna roa, kua mokoia katoatia te kanohi, me ngā rape, ko tōna tū ko te tū a te rangatira (TTR 1990:241). / Te Pahi was a resolute man, nearly six feet tall, with full face and buttocks moko, and the stature of a chief.
1. (verb) to be lean, shrivelled, shrunk.
Nā ko ngā puku e whitu, he mea taramore, he mea kikokore, i ngingio nei i te marangai, e tupu ake ana i muri i aua puku (PT Kenehi 41:23). / And, behold, seven ears, withered, thin, and blasted with the east wind, sprung up after them.
Synonyms: tūpuhi, tītaha, whāiti, whīroki, wharara, whīrokiroki, hīroki, tūai, tūoi, tūpuhipuhi, honga, kōhoi, hirinaki, pāhehaheha, paparewa, tokoroa, pirohea, taiuru, whirinaki, hauwarea, kōmae, kātoatoa, tīangoango, pāohe, pīngongo, paroparo, pakoko, piako, roiroi, kōpuka, popohe, memenge, menge, kurehe, ngingio, whewhengi, kauere, kūreherehe, pohe, whakamenge, pūtoki, pūtokitoki
2. (modifier) undeveloped.
I whakaae ia e kore e taea te ārai atu ngā tāngata whai e ngaru whati mai ana ki ngā whenua taramore Māori (TTR 1994:10). / He agreed that the people seeking undeveloped Māori land could not be stopped.
3. (modifier) unadorned, plain, devoid of ornamentation, not tattooed.
2. (noun) eyebrow.
Ka hīia tērā ngā nana, ka riri (W 1971:218). / When that one raises the eyebrows, she's angry.
3. (noun) tattoo marks between the eyebrows.
1. (verb) (-ia,-ngia) to dump, strike, beat, thump, throw down, tackle.
Ka tāia ia ki raro, ka mekea te whatu, ka natia te kakī, heke ana mai te toto i te ihu, i te waha (TP 9/1911:11). / He was thrown down, punched in the eye, strangled and blood flowed from his nose and mouth.
See also tānga
2. (verb) (-ia) to apply moko, tattoo.
Tika tonu mātou ki te whare hei kākahutanga i ō mātou kahu Māori, e takatū ana mō te haka, tā rawa te kanohi ki te moko (TP 1/12/1902:3). / We went straight to the house to change into our Māori costumes, prepare for the performance and apply the moko to our faces.
3. (verb) (-ia) to paint.
Ka wehi taua iwi ki ōna kanohi ānō i tāia ki te tākou te whero (NM 1928:11). / The tribe was afraid of his eyes, it was as if they had been painted red with red ochre.
4. (verb) (-ia) to print, publish.
I tāia anō te waiata nei i te tau 1856 e Shortland ki tana pukapuka: 'Traditions and Superstitions' (M 2004:112). / This song was also published by Shortland in his book: 'Traditions and Superstitions'.
Synonyms: kāone, mātātuhi, perehi, hāraunga, whakakawenata, paki, whakaputa, whakaputaputa, pānui
5. (verb) (-ia,-ngia) to carve, cut, etch, fashion.
He pounamu, he aurei, i hoatu e te tangata ki te tohunga kia tāia, arā kia hangā hei matau (W 1971:354). / Greenstone and cloak pins were given by the person to the expert to be carved, that is to be made into fish hooks.
6. (verb) (-ia,-ngia) to whip (a spinning top).
E kī ana a Te Matorohanga i tākaro rawa hoki ngā atua, i tā pōtaka, i neti, i whai, i tākaro i ērā atu tākaro (TTT 1/9/1923:8). / Te Mātorohanga says that the atua also played games, whipping tops, toy darts of flax strips, string games and other games.
7. (verb) (-ngia) to bail (water out of a canoe).
8. (verb) (-ia) to be overcome (by sleep) - only used in the passive form.
9. (noun) tattooing.
He toka tapu a Pōhaturoa nō Ngāti Awa, he tūāhu tuku iho mō ngā karakia mō te whakawhānau tamariki, mō te mate, mō te pakanga, mō te tā moko me ētahi atu tikanga whai hua ki a Ngāti Awa (TTR 1998:178). / Pōhaturoa was a sacred rock where ceremonies of birth, death, war, tattooing and other important matters to Ngāti Awa were performed.
10. (noun) whip for a spinning top.
Ka whakamahia he miro harakeke ki te takahurihuri i te pōtaka. Ka kīia tērā taputapu, he tā. Ka tākaitia te pōtaka ki te tā, ā, ka hihiko te kukume, koirā hei takahurihuri i te pōtaka. Kātahi ka tāia haerehia kia hurihuri tonu (RMR 2017). / Flax strands are made to spin the spinning top. That piece of equipment is called a tā. The whip is wound around the spinning top and then it is pulled energetically. That is what rotates the spinning top. Then the top is whipped so that it continues rotating.
11. (noun) maul, mallet.
Ko te tā me ngā whao ngā tino taputapu a te kaiwhakairo (PK 2008:801). / The mallet and chisels are the main implements of the carver.
Synonyms: kuru, ketuketutanga, kaunuku, mōro
1. (verb) to be stormy, tempestuous - sometimes as puhoro.
Tai puhoro: He tai e āki ana ki runga toka, ka puhoro atu ki raro; ki roto ranei i te ana, ka pakū i roto, ka puha ki waho (M 2004:218). / Stormy sea: A sea driving onto rocks and pounds down; or into a cave, exploding inside, then blowing out.
2. (noun) moko (tattoo) on the thigh or arm.
Nōwhea e oti i a ia, i a Te Māhuki, ngā puhoro, me ngā peke-ngārara - ngā pūtaringa, te ngū, ngā tītī, ngā tīwhana, me ērā atu hanga (KO 14/4/1883:5). / There was no way that he, Te Māhuki, could complete the tattoos on the thighs, on the limbs, the marks under the ears, on the side of the nose, the uppermost lines on the forehead, the lines above the eyebrows, and other ornamentation.
3. (noun) bad weather.
Synonyms: kōripo marama, ori, marangai, paroro
4. (noun) traditional kōwhaiwhai pattern.