1. (modifier) shrunk, contracted.
Paupau ana ēnei moni i te waipiro i ngā rā i a Wiapo i reira. Ngā whakautu mō ērā moni, he waha piro, he ānini, he tangi, he tūhauwiri, he ngau poho, he poho tīangoango, he kākahu tāreparepa, he karu toretore, he arero hōripi, he ihu parehe, he ngutu pupuhi, he haere wharara, he tupu heke, me te tini atu o tā te waipiro whakautu mō te moni a te tangata e rukea noatia ana mō tērā kaiwhakahātana (KO 15/12/1884:3). / While Wiapo was there, this money was wasted on liquor. The results of that money were bad breath, dizziness, despondency, shivering, chest pains, contraction of the chest, loose clothing, eye inflammation, lacerated tongues, flat noses, swollen lips, walking with a stoop, social decline and many other effects of alcohol from the money cast about for those temptations.
Synonyms: kōmae, kātoatoa, taramore, pāohe, pīngongo, paroparo, pakoko, piako