1. (noun) hole, pit, burrow, den, chasm, grave, mine, crater.
2. (noun) storage pit.
Tērā i mua tata atu kua tae tētehi tangata ki te tāhae kūmara i te rua kūmara a Mahanga. I te haerenga o Hotu-nui ka takahia e ia ngā tapuwae o tērā, ā, nō te ata ka tirohia i ngā takahanga, ka kīia nā Hotu-nui te tāhaetanga i ngā kūmara (NIT 1995:105). / Shortly before, someone had been to steal kūmara from Māhanga's kūmara storage pit. Hotu-nui had trodden in the footsteps of the thief, and in the morning when the footprints were examined it was said that Hotu-nui had stolen the kūmara.
3. (noun) abyss - place where the heavenly bodies disappear to before reappearing again.
Te tōnga o te rā, te rerenga ki te rua (G 1853:168). / When the sun sets it travels to the abyss.
Synonyms: kororua, waro, poka tōrere