2. (modifier) plain, devoid of ornamentation.
Arā ētahi o tātou ka hiahia whakamahi i ngā mea katoa ka taea hei whakanikoniko, hei whakarākei i te kōrero, arā anō ētahi he pai ake ki a rātou ngā kōrero tōkau (HKK 1999:10). / There are some of us who like to use everything they can to embellish the statement, while others prefer plain language.
Waka tōkau. He waka tōtōkau, he waka pītau, kāore he rauawa (M 2005:200). / A plain canoe. A canoe for everyday use with an ornamented bow-piece and no attached sides.
Synonyms: tōtōkau, more, mānia, māmore, kōkau, taramore, papatairite, mahuki, mōkau, momore