1. (verb) to be unfinished, roughly made, imperfect.
I te tīmatanga ka kōkau, ka pūhungahunga rānei i te korenga i ū engari nāwai rā, nāwai rā i roto i te wā ko tōna otinga mai he taonga e whakamiha ai, e monoa ai te tangata i te kaha o te waiwaiā mai (HM 1/1997). / Initially it is imperfect or deficient because it is not firmly established but eventually in time it finally becomes something that one can admire and appreciate for its beauty.
Synonyms: pūhungahunga
2. (verb) to be slim, lean (of the human figure).
Ka kōkau te tipu, ka rahirahi, ka ngāwari te waitohu o tēnā wahine hapū (JPS 1929:262). / If of slim, lean build then the signs of such a pregnant woman are easily noted.
3. (adjective) be carelessly done, without the usual preparations, slapdash, slipshod.
Ka kōia te kūmara ki rō oneone, kāore he kirikiri, he kōkau tēnā (W 1971:129). / The kūmara are planted in soil with no gravel, that's slapdash.
5. (modifier) slim, lean (of the human figure).
He iwi kōkau te tipu, he nunui ngā iwi o te tangata, he takoto ngā turi, he paraha te āhua o te kanohi, he kanae ngā mata, he tiro pīkari, he pātiki te ihu, ko te pongare he kaupararī; he makawe torotika, he mahora ētahi, he kiri pūwhero waitutu, he iwi kiriahi, he māngere (JPS 1913:169). / They were a thin, upright, tall people, a people with big bones, and their knees were prominent. Their faces were broad; the eyes were big with side-long glances. The nose was flat and the ridge of the nose was narrow, with the nostrils bulging out. The hair was straight, and some had lank hair. Their skins were reddish black. They were a people who kept close to the fire and were lazy.
6. (modifier) carelessly done, without the usual preparations, slapdash, slipshod.
E ai ki ētahi Māori kore moko, ko te moko he tuhituhi kōkau (Te Ara 2015). / According to some Māori without tattoos, the moko of others as scribbles.