1. (stative) be wrinkled, shrivelled, flabby, creased.
Synonyms: kōpuka, popohe, memenge, menge, taramore, ngingio, whewhengi, kauere, kūreherehe, pohe, whakamenge, pūtoki, pūtokitoki, roiroi
2. (modifier) wrinkled, lined, crinkly, folded.
Kua kaumātuatia a ia, ā, ko tōna kanohi kurehe e kitea atu ana i raro i ōna makawe mā (TWK 35:19). / He had become old and his wrinkled face could be seen under his white hair.
3. (noun) fold, wrinkle, crinkle, crease.
E hoa, me haeana tō tarau kia kore atu ai ngā kurehe. / Hey mate, you had better iron your trousers so that there are no creases.
See also hākorukoru