1. (verb) to be blind.
Ko te ōkiha kua ngaua e taua ngaro, he mea anō ka hīrori, pērā me te kau kua kai i te tutu nei i tēnei motu i a tātou nei, ā ka pohe ngā kanohi, ka mate (TWMNT 21/4/1874:94). / The steer that has been bitten by this insect, will later stagger around, like a cow which has eaten tutu in this country which goes blind and dies.
2. (verb) withered, shrivelled.
Kua pohe ngā rau o te rākau (W 1971:287). / The tree's leaves have withered.
Synonyms: kurehe, ngingio, whewhengi, kauere, kōpuka, whakamenge, pūtoki, pūtokitoki, roiroi, kūreherehe, popohe, memenge, menge, taramore
3. (modifier) blind, sightless, stupid.
He iwi pohe te Kāwanatanga o ēnei rā (TW 30/9/1876:354). / The current Government is stupid.
4. (noun) blind, sightless.
Otirā kei konei ka pororaru nei, arā te hunga kura nei, e tautoko haere nei i te wahangū, i te pohe (TTT 1/10/1930:2166). / But here is where they become bewildered, that is these educated people, who are supporting the dumb and the blind.