1. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to adorn, decorate, garnish, elaborate, embellish, enhance.
Anei anō tētahi o ngā kupu maha tonu ka taea te whakauru atu ki te kōrero hei whakarākai, hei whakahaumako i te kōrero (HKK 1999:25). / Here is one of the many words that can be used in phrases to embellish and enhance what one says.
See also whakarākei
2. (modifier) decorative, ornamental, enhancing.
Nāna i whakahauhau ngā toi whakarākai, inarā, ko ngā mahi whakairo me te tukutuku (TTR 1996:107). / He encouraged the decorative arts, especially carving and tukutuku work.
Synonyms: whakapaipai, whakarākei
3. (noun) decoration, ornamentation, adornment, embellishment, enhancement.
Te rokohanga atu, hangatū pai mai ana ngā kāinga, he ātaahua nei te whakairo me te whakarākai o ngā whare (TTR 1994:5). / What they came upon were well-established villages with richly carved and decorated houses.
Synonyms: whakarākeitanga, whakanikoniko, whakaniko, whakarei, whakarākei, whakanakonako, whakarāwai