1. (verb) (-a) to ornament, embellish.
Hei whakarei i te tau 1990, ka whakaputaina e Te Tari Taiwhenua te wāhanga tuatahi o tā Aotearoa anō mō ngā tau 1769 - 1869, ā, ka puta ki ngā reo e rua (HM 1/1990:3). / To celebrate 1990, the Department of Internal Affairs will produce the first part of New Zealand's (biographies) for the years 1769-1869, and it will appear in both languages.
Synonyms: tāraro, whakapīwari, nakonako, whakanikoniko, whakapaipai, whakaniko, pōria, whakanakonako
2. (noun) embellishment, decoration, adornment, ornamentation.
Nā, ka mahia te waka, koirā ngā toki i tāraia ai te waka, ā ka oti te tārai te haumi, te kei, te ihu, ngā rauawa; ka oti ngā taumanu, te tauihu, te rapa me te kāraho, te puneke, te ihu, te utuutu-matua, te whakarei o te kei, ngā mea katoa mō te waka taua (JPS 1922:23). / The canoe was then adzed out, hewn with those adzes. The piece to lengthen the hull was hewn out, the stern, the bow, the topstrakes; finished were the thwarts, the prow piece, the stern attachment, the decking, the fore end, the utuutumatua, the carved work of the stern, and all things pertaining to a war canoe.
Synonyms: whakarākeitanga, whakanikoniko, whakaniko, whakarākai, whakarākei, whakanakonako, whakarāwai
3. (noun) carved bow or stern of a canoe.
Titiro, tahuri, ka rapa ki muri, ki mua, ki te manaia, ki te whakarei o te waka nā (TWMNT 22/8/1876:202). / Look, turn, glance to the back, to the front, to the carved figures, to the carved prow of that canoe.
4. (noun) canoe with a carved figurehead, bust and arms.
Ehara i te waka tōkau, he whakarei nā Tūkākī (TWMNT 7/3/1876:61). / It's not a plain canoe, but a canoe with a carved figurehead by Tūkākī.