kōripo marama
1. (verb) to have bad weather, have stormy weather, have inclement weather.
Ki Aotearoa tūtaki ai ngā hau mahana, haumākū o te raki ki ngā hau mātao, hau maroke o te tonga. Kāore e rata ēnei hau tētahi ki tētahi; koinā te take e kōripo marama ai ngā rangi (Te Ara 2016). / In Aotearoa/New Zealand, warm moist air from the north meets cold dry air from the south. The winds are not compatible with each other: that's the reason the weather becomes inclement.
2. (noun) bad weather, stormy weather, inclement weather.
Mēnā ka ua mō te katoa o te rā, ka kīia tērā he kōripo marama. / If it rains for the whole of a day that is called 'kōripo marama'.