1. (verb) to be narrow, compact, crowded together, packed.
Kua whāiti katoa aku hanga ki te wāhi kotahi hai hari ki Waitetoko (HP 1991:318). / All my things had been gathered together in the one place to take to Waitetoko.
Synonyms: mātoru, hīnohinohi, kōpā
2. (adjective) be narrow, compact, crowded together.
Mehemea ka tuwhera te pūao o te awa, he tino whāiti, he pāpaku hoki te awa (HP 1991:16). / If the mouth of the river was open, the river was very narrow and shallow.
Synonyms: kāwitiwiti, pīrahirahi, namunamu, kūiti
3. (modifier) narrow, lean, compact, crowded together.
He wahine āhua whāiti te tipu, pai te hemanga iho o te uma tae ki te hope (JPS 1925:310). / She was a woman of slim build, tapering nicely from the breast to the waist.
Synonyms: hīroki, tūai, tūoi, tūpuhipuhi, honga, hauwarea, kōhoi, pāhehaheha, paparewa, tokoroa, pirohea, taiuru, whirinaki, hirinaki, tūpuhi, taramore, tītaha, whīroki, wharara, whīrokiroki
4. (noun) narrowness, compactness.
Ahakoa tōna whāiti, he maha ana tohu whenua rerekē (Te Ara 2017). / Despite how narrow it is, there are many different landforms.