1. (noun) kauri, Agathis australis - largest forest tree but found only in the northern North Island, it has a large trunk and small, oblong, leathery leaves, kauri resin, soot from burnt kauri gum used for tattooing.
Ko ia ki te whakahaere i ngā ōkiha e waru e kukume ana i ngā rākau kauri kua oti te tua ki raro, ki waho o te ngāhere (HP 1991:24). / He controlled the eight oxen pulling the kauri trees, which had been cut down, out of the forest.
2. (noun) moko soot, tattooing soot - burnt kauri gum used for tattooing.
3. (noun) moko, tattooing.
Anō te kiri, me te anuhe tawatawa ngā mahi a te kauri (NM 1928:23). / Look at the skin, the abundance of tattooing is like the markings on the skin of a mackerel!