1. (loan) (verb) (-a,-tia) to copy, duplicate, photocopy, reproduce.
Taku hiahia ko ngā kōrero o ngā whawhai o ērā motu, kāore e kapea ana e koutou ngā kōrero o roto i ngā pepa Pākehā (TJ 14/6/1898:5). / I want to see reports from the wars in other countries, not stories copied by you from the Pākehā newspapers.
Synonyms: whakaahua
2. (loan) (noun) copy, duplicate, facsimile, reproduction, photocopy, issue.
Kai aua tiati te kape o taua kawenata (TW 22/6/1878:316). / Those judges have a copy of that covenant.
Synonyms: tārua, whakaputa uri