1. (verb) to be tranquil, undisturbed, gentle, compassionate, kindly, considerate, amiable, placid, kind-hearted.
He iwi hūmārire te Māori, he mākoha, he aroha ki te pai (TTT 1/8/1930:2118). / The Māori are amiable people, placid and love that which is good.
Synonyms: māhaki, māhuruhuru, nguengue, kōratarata, aungāwari, rarata
2. (modifier) tranquil, undisturbed, gentle, compassionate, kindly, considerate.
He tangata ngākau mākoha ki te tangata: ahakoa Māori, Pākehā rānei (TP 4/1912:6). / He was a person who was kind to others, whether Māori or Pākehā.
3. (noun) soft slaty rock.
1. (verb) (-ngia,-tia) to show kindness to, care for.
Ka mauria a Ruatara ki tōna kāinga, ā, ka tiakina te tūroro, ā, ka atawhaitia a Ruatara, ora noa (TAH 14:10). / Ruatara was taken to his home where the patient, Ruatara, was looked after and received kind attention until he was well.
See also atawhaitanga
2. (modifier) kindly, kind, generous, benevolent, hospitable.
He tangata atawhai nui ia ki te tāpae kai ki ngā tāngata katoa me ka tae ki tōna kāinga; e kore rawa hoki e tukua e ia te tira manuhiri kia haere ana, āpānoa kia takoto he hākari māna ki ia tangata ki ia tangata o rātou, te iti me te rahi (TWMNT 21/4/1874:95). / He was a generous person who provided food to everybody if they visited his village; he would never ever let a party of visitors leave until he had laid out a feast for each person, whether of lowly status or of importance.
3. (noun) kindness, generosity, liberality, kindheartedness, benevolence.
He pai nōna, he aroha, he atawhai, he hūmārie, he pono nō āna kōrero. Kāore ana kōrero whakapatipati, kāore he kōrero rūpahu ((TTT 1/6/1925:239). / His good qualities were of compassion, generosity, affability and speaking the truth. He did not flatter or tell lies.
Synonyms: tauwhirotanga, ngākau aroha, manaakitanga, ngāwari
1. (verb) to be affable, easygoing, permissive, simple, soft, easy, tolerant, pliable, kind, obedient, easy, flexible, supple.
Ka ngangautia e ia kia ngāwari, kia pakupaku, ka āta whakapiritia ki te mamae, hāware katoa atu nō te mea he pai tonu hoki te hāware mō te whakaora (HP 1991:23). / She chewed it until it was soft and small and carefully applied it to the sore part. It had saliva throughout because saliva is quite good for healing.
Synonyms: ngohe, waingōhia, māmā, pai, kano, kātū, tūmomo, ohaoha, tūpore, momo, māngohe, ngohengohe, pīngore, kōngohe, kōpē
2. (modifier) affable, easygoing, permissive, simple, soft, easy, tolerant, pliable, kind, obedient, easy, flexible, gentle, pleasant, compliant.
He tangata ngāwari, ngāwari te reo, ngāwari te tinana, ngāwari ana hanga katoa (TP 9/1907:4). / A gentle person, softly spoken, supple body and easygoing in all his habits.
Synonyms: ngohengohe, pai, manini, āhuareka, ātaahua, hūmārie, reka, āhumehume, pārekareka, hūmārire, harakoa, matareka, purotu, hūmārika, rēhia, kakato, rawe, rekareka, hāneanea
3. (noun) easiness, softness, kindness, flexibility, tolerance, simplicity.
Koirā te hunga i kite ia i pūmau tonu ki ngā tikanga o te tapu, ahakoa te ngāwari o ētahi o ngā mahi a ētahi atu o ngā peka o te hāhi, ka mau tonu rātau (EM 2002:133). / That was the group that he saw remaining true to the customs of tapu, they continued to hold firm, despite some of other branches of the church relaxing some of the practices.
Synonyms: atawhai, tauwhirotanga, manaakitanga, ngākau aroha
e rua, e rua
1. both, both of them, both of you, just the same, tarred with the same brush, two of a kind - an idiom to suggest that something applies to both people, both things or that two people or things have something in common.
Kei hea ōna mātua? E rua, e rua, kua pāngia e te rewharewha. / Where are her parents? Both of them have caught the flu.
Synonyms: ko taua āhua tonu/ko taua āhua rā anō
1. (noun) type, variety, type of, kind, race, breed, species, genus, offspring, descendant, sort of, manner, genre.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 7;)
He momo tangata kē anō a Kaute, kāore ia i rite ki te nuinga atu o ana hoa tōrangapū nā te mea kore rawa ia i akona ki te kōrero parau, ki te kōhetehete, papare kē rānei i te take (TTR 2000:47). / Couch was a different sort of person, unlike many of his political colleagues, because he never learned to lie, to quibble, or to evade an issue.
See also tūmomo
Synonyms: āti, tātea, paratau, uri, keakea, tū, tikanga, kano, ohaoha, tūpore, ngāwari, kātū, tūmomo, whakataetae, matawaka, iwi, whakaoma, tauomaoma, reihi, tauwhawhai, mātāwaka, tuoma, rēhi, rere, rērehi, peo, karapetapeta
2. (adjective) be eager, zealous, keen, kindly disposed towards, enthusiastic.
I akona te reo Māori e ia nō te mea he ngākaunui ia ki te Māori (HP 1991:27). / He learnt the Māori language because he was kindly disposed towards Māori people.
Synonyms: ngākau whakapuke, whiwhita, ringa tōhau nui, ngangahau, whitawhita, ngākau whiwhita, kōtaratara, tūkari, kaikaha, kama, mōhukihuki, rikarika, kamakama, ihupuku, matangareka, kōkeko, hīkaka, takawhita
3. (noun) dedication, commitment, devotion, zeal.
Koia nei rā te pūmau me te ngākaunui o Eruera ki tōna whakapono (EM 2002:138). / That was how enduring and dedicated Eruera was to his faith.
Synonyms: matangareka, whitawhita, ngākau whakapuke, kaikaha, rika, tāwheta, whiwhita, wana
1. (noun) manner, sort, type of, kind, variety, genre.
(Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 7;)
Ki te kore he kai, kua riro mā tētahi o ngā tohunga e karakia, kua rere mai he kai ki runga ki te waka. He ika, he manu me ētahi atu tūmomo kai mata (HP 1991:9). / If there was no food, one of the tohunga would say a ritual chant and food would fly onto the vessel - fish, birds and other types of raw food.
Synonyms: tikanga, tū, ohaoha, tūpore, kano, ngāwari, momo, kātū
1. (verb) to be inclined towards, look kindly on.
Kaua koe e whakaae kia whai mana i a koe ngā tāngata whakaaro kore, engari, kei ngā tāngata whakaaro, kei ngā tāngata e arotau ana ki tō mātou reo (MM.TKM 3-4/1855:9). / Do not let thoughtless people be in power, but people of thought, people who look kindly on our language.
2. (modifier) suitable, appropriate, suited.
Ehara tēnei i te kāinga arotau mō te hunga e pāngia ana e te mate huangō, nā te nui o te paina (PK 2008:36). / This is not a suitable home for people affected by asthma, because there is so many pine trees.
3. (modifier) favourable.
Tae rawa atu ki te mutunga o te tekau tau atu i 1880, kua tīmata ngā āhuatanga arotau o taua wā nei ki te whakatau ko Taingākawa hei kaiārahi whai mana mō te Kīngitanga (TTR 1996:238). / By the end of the 1880s favourable aspects of that time had begun to settle on Taingākawa as the effective leader for the King movement.
4. (noun) understanding, appreciation.
Ahakoa kāore ia i āta akona ki te ture, he hinengaro hōhonu nei tōna, ā, aua atu te mātauranga, me te arotau (TTR 1998:137). / Despite not having learnt the law formally, he possessed a capacious and logical mind, coupled with a deep knowledge and understanding.
1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to desire, wish anxiously for, want, show favour to, treat kindly.
Heoi anō, nā te hiahia tonu o Timi Kara ki te puri i ngā whakahaere, ka tohua e ia he tiamana ki ngā poari e popore ana ki te rīhi (TTR 1994:13). / However, because of James Carroll's desire to hold onto control, he appointed chairmen to the boards who favoured leasing.
2. (modifier) generous, charitable, benefecint, magnanimous, benevolent.
Ka puta i a Te Whatanui ēnei kupu ohaoha rongonui, arā, e tuku ana ia i a ia hei rātā whakaruruhau mō Muaūpoko (TTR 1990:334). / Te Whatanui expressed some famous generous words when he gave himself as a sheltering rātā tree for Muaūpoko.
Synonyms: oha
3. (noun) offertory, gift.
Kāore he utu mō ngā tīkiti, kāore hoki he ohaoha i roto i ngā karakia (TTT 1/10/1923:16). / The tickets are free and there is no offertory in the service.
4. (noun) salutation, greeting.
He kaha ki te manaaki ope, he kaha ki te manaaki i ōna hapū ake, he maiohaoha ki ngā tāngata, āhua hē te āhua o te tangata ka ohaoha tonu ia (JPS 1927:252). / She was energetic in hosting visitors, and in showing kindness to her own subtribes, in greeting people, even if a person looked repulsive she would still greet him or her.
Synonyms: aumihi
1. (noun) grove of trees of one kind, orchard.
He papa kāinga anō tō ia whānau i roto i ngā māra witi, māra kānga, māra rīwai, māra kūmara, oro pītiti me ētahi atu oro rākau (TTR 1990:321). / Each extended family had its own group of houses, surrounded by fields of wheat, maize, potatoes and kumara, and groves of peach trees and other orchards.
Synonyms: uru huarākau
1. (verb) (-a,-tia) to care for, look after, treat kindly.
Tēnei taku whakamihi, e te iwi, mō tō koutou ngākaunui ki te tūpore, ki te manaaki ki tō koutou taonga nui e puta ai ngā pai mō tātou, mō te iwi, mō te motu katoa (TWMNT 11/9/1872:115). / People, this is my acknowledgement of your enthusiasm in caring for and giving hospitality to your great treasure whereby benefits will accrue for us, for the people and the whole country.
2. (modifier) caring, kind, helpful, considerate.
2. (noun) four (people), quartet, doubles (tennis, etc.).
I ui ia ki tētahi o ōna hoa mehemea ia i kite i te tokowhā ka mea mai tērā, āe, i kite ia (TTT 1/8/1930:2114). / He asked one of his companions if he had seen the four people and he said that, yes, he had seen them.
3. (noun) four of a kind (cards) - a poker hand that contains all four cards of one rank and any other (unmatched) card, with higher-ranking cards defeating lower-ranking ones.
2. (modifier) three (people).
Ka tākiri te ata, ka heke iho ēnā tāngata tokotoru i te maunga (KO 15/10/1883:17). / In the morning those three men came down from the mountain.
3. (noun) three (people).
Ko ēnei tokotoru i hopuhopukia i mauria e ahau ki runga tima (TP 10/1906:8). / These three people were caught and taken onto the ship.
4. (noun) three of a kind (cards) - a poker hand that contains three cards of the same rank, plus two cards which are not of this rank nor the same as each other.
1. (noun) type, genre, class, sort, kind.
Kāore he kaumātua o tērā kātū tangata kei te ora tonu i roto o taua iwi i ēnei rangi (B 1979:2). / There are no elders of that type still alive in that tribe today.
See also momo
1. (verb) (-ina,-tia) to love, feel pity, feel concern for, feel compassion, empathise.
Aroha ana ngā tangi a ō mātou wāhine (HM 4/2009:1). / The crying of our women was heart-rending.
Synonyms: whakaaroha, kūwata, whakaipo, kanehe, ipo, pohane, murimuri aroha, kūata, taupuhi
2. (modifier) loving, affectionate, caring, compassionate, kindly, sympathetic, benevolent.
Kātahi ka pātai mai ki a au, he aha tōku hiahia. Kātahi au ka whakautu atu, kia ūhia te whakaaro aroha ki runga katoa i ngā taitama nei (HP 1991:292). / Then he asked me what I wanted. I responded that these youths should all be shown compassion.
3. (noun) affection, sympathy, charity, compassion, love, empathy.
He nui ngā whakaputanga o te aroha. He atawhai, he manaaki manuhiri, he āwhina, he whakaaro, he muru hara, he mananui ki ngā hē o te tangata, he matapō ki ngā hē o ērā atu (RK 1994:51). / There are many expressions of love, including caring, giving hospitality to visitors, helping, being considerate, forgiving sins, putting up with someone's errors, and being blind to the faults of others.
Tērā tātau e rongo kei te tuwha haere a Henare i ana hipi, i ana kau ki a Ngāti Porou, hei kaihaukai māna ki tōna iwi, he nui nō tōna aroha! (TP 7/1900:8). / We have heard that, because of his charity, Henare is distributing his sheep and cows to Ngāti Porou as feasts for his people.
See also aroha nui
1. (noun) caring, kindness, compassion.
Ko te inoi o te ngākau kia tau mai te tauwhirotanga a te wāhi ngaro ki runga i a koe, otirā ki runga i a tātou katoa (Kāretu 2017). / The plea from the heart is that the compassion of divine intervention settle on you and all of us.
Synonyms: ngākau aroha, manaakitanga, ngāwari, atawhai
2. (noun) empathy, sympathy, compassion, kindheartedness, kindness, consideration, caring, benevolence.
Kaua rawa atu koe e whakamanamana, engari me haere koe i runga i te ngākau whakaiti me te ngākau aroha (EM 2002:228). / You must not be boastful, but you should go with modesty and compassion.
Synonyms: tauwhirotanga, manaakitanga, ngāwari, atawhai