2. (verb) obedient, submissive, yielding, compliant, agreeable.
Ka ngohe kau a Te Kooti i te hopunga a te ture i a ia; ka kī atu ki tana iwi kia nohopuku (TTR 1990:387). / Te Kooti submitted to arrest and told his people to be silent.
Synonyms: ngāwari
3. (noun) softness, suppleness.
I a ia e takoto ana, ka titiro whakarunga ia ki ngā pītiti e tautau mai ana i runga, te ātaahua ki te titiro atu, te ngohe, te pūwhero o te huarākau (TWK 6:31). / While he was lying there, he looked up at the peaches hanging up there. How beautiful, soft and reddish the fruit was.
4. (noun) activity, exercise.
Ko te tono i kaha te puta, kia whakahokia mai ngā momo ngohe i whakaritea mō tēnei hui (HM 4/1993:8). / The most common request was that the types of activities arranged for this gathering should be returned.