1. (verb) to be inclined towards, look kindly on.
Kaua koe e whakaae kia whai mana i a koe ngā tāngata whakaaro kore, engari, kei ngā tāngata whakaaro, kei ngā tāngata e arotau ana ki tō mātou reo (MM.TKM 3-4/1855:9). / Do not let thoughtless people be in power, but people of thought, people who look kindly on our language.
2. (modifier) suitable, appropriate, suited.
Ehara tēnei i te kāinga arotau mō te hunga e pāngia ana e te mate huangō, nā te nui o te paina (PK 2008:36). / This is not a suitable home for people affected by asthma, because there is so many pine trees.
3. (modifier) favourable.
Tae rawa atu ki te mutunga o te tekau tau atu i 1880, kua tīmata ngā āhuatanga arotau o taua wā nei ki te whakatau ko Taingākawa hei kaiārahi whai mana mō te Kīngitanga (TTR 1996:238). / By the end of the 1880s favourable aspects of that time had begun to settle on Taingākawa as the effective leader for the King movement.
4. (noun) understanding, appreciation.
Ahakoa kāore ia i āta akona ki te ture, he hinengaro hōhonu nei tōna, ā, aua atu te mātauranga, me te arotau (TTR 1998:137). / Despite not having learnt the law formally, he possessed a capacious and logical mind, coupled with a deep knowledge and understanding.