1. (noun) extended kinship group, tribe, nation, people, nationality, race - often refers to a large group of people descended from a common ancestor and associated with a distinct territory.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 42-43, 89, 113; Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 80, 172;)
Ko ngā putiputi nei he roimata nō tātou mō rātou mā e takoto mai rā i ngā marae o ngā iwi kē (TTT 1/4/1927). / These flowers were our tears for those who lie on the battle fields of other nationalities.
Synonyms: mātāwaka, matawaka, hapū, hapori, pūtoi, kīngitanga, motu, whenua, nuinga, hunga, tāngata, pori, hanga, ētahi tāngata, tētahi tangata, whakaoma, tauomaoma, reihi, tauwhawhai, momo, tuoma, rēhi, rere, rērehi, peo, karapetapeta, whakataetae
2. (noun) strength, bone.
Ka pakaru ngā kākahu, ka tuia he kākahu mō rātou ki te kiri kekeno, he iwi toroa ngā ngira (TWM 20/2/1868:5). / When their clothes were ragged they sewed garments of seal skins and the needles were of albatross bone.