2. (modifier) pregnant, expectant, with child.
Ki te kai te wahine hapū i te hikareti, ka kai tahi te pēpe e noho ake rā i roto i a ia (TP 1/1908:4). / If a pregnant woman smokes cigarettes, the baby that is inside her partakes too.
3. (noun) kinship group, clan, tribe, subtribe - section of a large kinship group and the primary political unit in traditional Māori society. It consisted of a number of whānau sharing descent from a common ancestor, usually being named after the ancestor, but sometimes from an important event in the group's history. A number of related hapū usually shared adjacent territories forming a looser tribal federation (iwi).
Ko tōna ingoa hapū i reira ko Te Whānau o Tūwhakairiora, koia nei hoki te hapū tūturu ake o Wharekahika (HP 1991:24). / His hapū name there was Te Whānau o Tūwhakairiora, and that was the true hapū of Wharekahika.