1. (loan) (verb) (-tia) to race, compete.
Kua tīmata te peti a ngā Pākehā kia rēhitia anō e ngā Māori… (TP 2/1911:5). / The Pākehā started to gamble that the Māori should race again...
Synonyms: iwi, whakaoma, tauomaoma, reihi, tauwhawhai, mātāwaka, momo, tuoma, rere, rērehi, peo, karapetapeta, whakataetae, matawaka
2. (loan) (noun) race.
I te whawhai rēhi poti a ngā kāreti nunui atu i te ao nei, arā a Kāmureti rāua ko Ōkiwhata, mate ana a Ōkiwhata (HKW 4/1899:8). / In the rowing race of the biggest colleges of the world, that is between Cambridge and Oxford, Oxford lost.