3. (modifier) generous, munificent, magnanimous.
Kāre i ārikarika te whakaaro nui me te maimai aroha o ngā iwi o Te Araroa me Wharekahika mō te ngākau oha o ngā mahi a Wī Repa mā rātau (TTR 1996:279). / The people of Te Araroa and Hicks Bay had great respect and affection for Wī Repa's selfless service to them.
Synonyms: ohaoha
4. (noun) generosity, largesse, munificence.
He mea whakamīharo tana oha ki te tangata (TTR 1996:94). / His generosity to others was remarkable.
5. (noun) relic, keepsake, gift, treasured bequest.
He manu tawhito, he oha nā ngā mea kua ngaro atu ki te pō, he oha nā ngā tūpuna (TP 1/1/1899:2). / It is an ancient bird, a gift by the ones who have gone to the world of the dead, a gift by the ancestors.
See also owha
Synonyms: manatunga, owha, whakamahara, whakaturi