1. (stative) be beautiful, handsome, pleasant, pretty, good-looking, gorgeous, lovely.
2. (modifier) beautiful, handsome, pleasant, pretty, good-looking, gorgeous, lovely.
Ahakoa koe he manu iti, otirā e rere ana koe i runga i ngā rākau ātaahua, teitei hoki noho mai ai (TKO 10/1913:3). / Although you are but a small bird you fly up to the beautiful, tall trees to perch.
3. (noun) beauty.
Ākuanei ia ka mea, ahakoa rite tō ātaahua ki tō te makipai, kāore koe e mōhio ki te waiata i tētahi rangi kotahi (Popi 1887:66). / Presently, he said that although your beauty is like a magpie’s, you do not know how to sing a single tune.
Synonyms: rerehua, waiwaiā, hūmārie, tau, hūmārire, ātanga, purotu
2. (modifier) pleasant to the sight, fancy, aesthetically pleasing, appealing.
I te ekenga atu o ōna tau ki te rua tekau i tīmata ai tana mahi patu piana i ngā kanikani o te wā kāinga, me ērā o ngā kura, tae atu ki ngā kanikani mau kaka rerehua (TTR 2000:191). / When she reached twenty she began playing the piano at local and school dances and fancy dress balls.
4. (noun) aesthetic.
He rerekē te rerehua o tētahi mahinga toi ki te titiro a tēnā tangata, a tēnā tangata (RTA 2014:152). / Each person's view of the aesthetics of an artwork will be different.
1. (verb) to be pleasant, agreeable, clear, beautiful, handsome.
Ka tino purotu te puāwai o te rākau, arā, o te kōwhai, o te hutukawa, o te rātā, o te heketara, o te rangiora (TTT 1/4/1929:972). / The flowers of the trees were quite beautiful, that is of the kōwhai, the pōhutukawa, the rātā, the tree daisy and the rangiora.
Synonyms: tau, waiwaiā, koea, ātaahua, hūmārie, hūmārire, ātanga, pīwari, turua, matareka, hūmārika, rēhia, kakato, rawe, rekareka, hāneanea, ngohengohe, pai, manini, āhuareka, reka, āhumehume, pārekareka, harakoa, ngāwari
2. (adjective) beautiful, handsome, good-looking, attractive, gorgeous, pleasant, agreeable.
He pūrotu ake tana teina i a ia (Te Ara 2016). / His younger brother was more handsome than him.
3. (modifier) beautiful, handsome, good-looking, attractive, gorgeous, pleasant, agreeable.
Ehara i te tangata purotu, engari he tangata koi te hinengaro, he tangata māhaki (TTR 1990:328). / He wasn't a handsome man, but he had a sharp mind and was self-possessed.
4. (noun) beauty, attractiveness, elegence, handsomeness.
O ngā Māori katoa o mua atu i tūtakina e ia, kāore i rite ki a Whakatau mō te māhorahora me te purotu o te kanohi (TTR 1994:30). / Of all the Māori he had met previously none could match Whakatau for his open and handsome countenance.
Synonyms: rerehua, waiwaiā, ātaahua, hūmārie, tau, hūmārire, ātanga
1. (verb) (-ria) to land, alight, come to rest, settle on, count, settle, perch, ride at anchor, resolve.
Ka tau mai ki ngā kura reo, e pau ana te hau, ka hoki atu e hikohiko katoa ana te ngākau (HM 4/2008:3). / I arrived at the language learning gathering worn out and when I returned home I was enthusiastic.
Synonyms: pae, pūtohe, niwha, whakapau kaha, pūkeke, noho, nohonoho, whakaea, whakanoho, whakatatū, whakatau, whakamāhaki, whakataiwhenua, tatū, pūwhenua
2. (verb) to settle down, subside, abate.
Ka tau te riri, ka hohou te rongo (TTR 1990:57). / Hostilities subsided and peace was made.
3. (modifier) neat, comely, smart, attractive, handsome, becoming, suitable, beautiful, cute, befitting.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 196;)
4. (noun) attractiveness, beauty, grace, elegance.
He rite te whiunga i te poi me te rite o te whiu o te waewae, me te tungoutanga o te māhunga, me te tau hoki o te tinana ki te titiro atu (TPH 16/4/1900:5). / The swinging of the poi and feet were in unison, together with the bowing of the head and how graceful the bodies were.
Synonyms: rerehua, ātaahua, hūmārie, hūmārire, ātanga, purotu, waiwaiā
1. (verb) to be handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial, easy-going, unassuming, mild-mannered.
He tangata ngāwari, he hūmārie, he mateoha, he atawhai tangata, he tangata whakapono (TP 1/6/1902:9). / He was a gentle, pleasant, loving person, who showed kindness to people, a person who believed.
Synonyms: hūmārika, ranginamu, rawe, waiwaiā, ātaahua, hūmārire, ātanga, pīwari, turua, purotu, tau, koea, whakamārie, whakamārire, ngehe, āio, houkura, aumārire, tō, mārie, mārire, whakaaio, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamāria, matareka, rēhia, kakato, rekareka, hāneanea, ngohengohe, pai, manini, āhuareka, reka, āhumehume, pārekareka, harakoa, ngāwari
2. (modifier) handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial, easy-going, unassuming, mild-mannered.
E kī pēnei ana ngā kōrero mōna, arā, he tangata ngākau tapatahi, he tangata tino kokoi te hinengaro, ā, he tangata hūmārie, aroha ki te tangata (TTR 1990:387). / The accounts about him were that he was a man of integrity, a person of exceptional intelligence, and a warm, generous person.
3. (noun) peacefulness, good nature, geniality, beauty, handsomeness, peace.
Nā te rongopai i mutu ai ngā pakanga toto nui i waenganui i ngā iwi, i ngā hapū Māori; i mutu ai te kaitangata; i noho ai i runga i te hūmārie (TTT 1/9/1925:289). / Because of the gospel wars of bloodshed between tribes and Māori subtribes ended; cannibalism ended; so that people lived in peace.
Synonyms: marino, whakamārietanga, hūmārire, tau, rerehua, waiwaiā, purotu, ātaahua, ātanga, māriri, rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, aumārire, mārie
1. (verb) to be handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial.
He mata mā, he mahora te upoko, i hiamoemoe ngā kanohi, i tū-ā-roa te ihu, i pakonga ngā pāpāringa, i rahirahi ngā ngutu, ā, i hūmārire ngā mata i te tirohanga atu, he taitamariki hoki (TK 1/11/1843:44). / A fair face, broad head, sleepy eyes, the nose is somewhat long, hollow cheeks, thin lips and the eyes are pleasing to look at, and she's youthful.
2. (modifier) handsome, pleasant, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, amiable, nice, affable, genial.
He iwi hūmārire te Māori, he makoha, he aroha ki te pai (TTT 1/8/1930:2118) / The Māori are amiable people, placid and love that which is good.
Synonyms: hūmārika, rawe, ranginamu, purotu, tau, waiwaiā, koea, ātaahua, hūmārie, ātanga, pīwari, turua, tō, mārie, mārire, whakaaio, āio, rangimārie, ukiuki, whakamārie, whakamāria, whakamārire, ngehe, houkura, aumārire, matareka, rēhia, kakato, rekareka, hāneanea, ngohengohe, pai, manini, āhuareka, reka, āhumehume, pārekareka, harakoa, ngāwari
3. (noun) peacefulness, good nature, geniality, beauty, handsomeness, peace.
Ko te mea nui ki ēnā koroua, ko te hūmarire, ko te pai tētahi ki tētahi, ko te ngākau whakaiti, ko te aroha ki te tangata (EM 2002:19). / The main thing for those elderly men is peacefulness, being good to each other, humble and concern for people.
Synonyms: rerehua, waiwaiā, ātaahua, hūmārie, tau, ātanga, whakamārietanga, marino, purotu, rongo, rangimārie, maungārongo, rongomau, waikanaetanga, whakaaio, āio, houkura, houhanga a rongo, aumārire, mārie, māriri
1. (noun) iron, steel, cutlery, metal.
Kāore i roa i muri mai ka tae mai ngā hōia, ka whakaaratia anō e rātau taua pou haki, ka kaha atu hoki te mahinga i tō mua hanganga, arā, ka hangaia ki te maitai (TPH 30/6/1903:4). / Not long after that the soldiers arrived, that flag pole was re-erected and it was built stronger that that of before, that is it was built of steel.
2. (stative) be foreign.
Ko ngā wheua o te hunga maitai i patua nei he mea mahi hei tīrou kai, ā, ko ngā wheua o ngā hūhā he mea mahi hei tōrino, arā, hei rehu (TAH 51:17). / The bones of the foreigners who had been killed were made into forks for picking up food, and the thigh bones were made into flutes.
3. (modifier) good, beautiful, agreeable.
2. (verb) to be perfect, unbroken, complete.
Synonyms: whakapai ake
3. (modifier) beautiful, fine, calm (of weather).
Nei rā tātou kua tatū mai anō ki te kaupeka o Taku, ki te wā e kiriahi ai te tangata i te kaha mai o te anu, e whakaneinei atu anō ai hoki ki ngā rangi paruhi kei tua atu e haramai ana (HM 3/1994:1). / Here we are in the winter season, the time when a person hugs the fire because it is so cold, and anticipate the beautiful days that will eventually come.
4. (noun) favourite, darling, protégé.
Mehemea ehara ia i te paruhi a Kerei rāua ko Te Hīhana, me ngā kaiwhakahaere o te mahi whākorekore, pēnei kua tū pea ia (TWMNT 19/7/1879:449). / If he had not been the protégé of Grey, Sheehan, and the Repudiation party, perhaps he would have been elected.
1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to decorate, ornament, beautify, tidy up, adorn, embellish, enhance, elaborate.
He mea puhi ngā makawe ki ngā huia hei whakapaipai i a ia. / The hair was adorned with huia feathers to make her look beautiful.
Synonyms: whakanikoniko, whakaniko, whakarei, tāraro, whakanakonako, whakapīwari, pōria, nakonako
2. (modifier) beautiful, ornamental.
Te haka tuatahi ki ngā ope whakaeke nā te wāhine, i whakakākahuria mai ki ngā kākahu whakapaipai, me te rau rākau ki te mau mai i ngā ringaringa. Ko Kiwa rāua ko Mereana ngā kaikākāriki (TP 1/5/1901:9). / The first haka to the group coming on was by the women who were dressed in beautiful clothes and carried leaves in their hands. Kiwa and Mereana were the leaders.
Synonyms: whakarākai, whakarākei
3. (noun) jewels, finery, make-up.
Arā a ia, i roto i ōna whakapaipai katoa (Ng 1993:153). / There she is in all her finery.
2. (modifier) beautiful, attractive, handsome, stunning, good-looking, gorgeous, appealing, exquisite, comely, fair, fine.
Kua tae mai hoki a Ihowa o nga mano ki tana kāhui, ki te whare o Hura, kua mea i a rātou hei hōiho ātanga mōna i te tatauranga (PT Hakaraia 10:3). / For the Lord of hosts hath visited his flock the house of Judah, and hath made them as his goodly horse in the battle.
Synonyms: purotu, tau, waiwaiā, koea, ātaahua, hūmārie, hūmārire, pīwari, turua
3. (noun) beauty, loveliness, splendour, prettiness.
Ko Tākitimu te whare pai ngā waihanga, engari nō taku kitenga i a Porourangi heoi anō kua ngaro ōku mahara ki a Takitimu, kua riro katoa kua whaiāipo ki a Porourangi; i te tamatāne o te āhua, o te tū o te whare; i te rite, i te ātanga, o ngā whakairo, o ngā pou, o ngā pakitara, o te tungaroa, me te whatitoka, me te roro, me te matapihi, me ngā arapaki, kaore he rite i i kitea e ahau i te motu katoa nei, hāunga hoki ngā tuhituhi o ngā heke me te tāhū. (TP 1/7/1902:6). / Tākitimu was built beautifully, but when I saw Porourangi my thoughts about Tākitimu were forgotten and I fell in love with Porourangi; the youthful masculinity of the house's appearance and structure; the architecture and beauty of the carvings, posts, walls, the back wall and the door, verandah, window and the ornamental lattice-work, and not to mention the paintings of the rafters and the ridgepole.
Synonyms: purotu, rerehua, waiwaiā, ātaahua, hūmārie, tau, hūmārire
1. (verb) to be beautiful.
Kei te puhinga ki ngā huruhuru kererū, tūī, ehara! kātahi anō ka āta pīwari tēnei mea te waka taua, he toiere, he waka whakarei, he pītau (M 2006:364). / When it is adorned with pigeon and tūī feathers, behold how beautiful the war canoe is, a toiere (war canoe with carved stem and stern), a whakarei (ornamental canoe) and a pītau (canoe with a figurehead ornamented with perforated spiral carving).
Synonyms: purotu, tau, waiwaiā, koea, ātaahua, hūmārie, hūmārire, ātanga, turua
2. (verb) to wave, bend (as something in the wind).
Whakamīharo ana te kite i a Tahu-nui-a-rangi. Me te ārai kākāriki e pīwari ana i te rangi pō (PK 2008:811). / Seeing the aurora australis is amazing. It's like a green veil waving in the night sky.
2. (modifier) comely, suitable, elegant, graceful.
He pai ki a ia ngā kākahu huatau, te momo puoro takihuri a ngā kirimangu o Amerika me te pātī haere (TTR 1996:80). / She liked elegant clothes, jazz music of the Blacks of America and parties.
3. (noun) elegance, style, grace, dignity, beauty, politeness.
Ahakoa te huatau o tēnei whakautu, e tino mārama ana te whakaatu mai kua whakakorea tā rātou take (TTR 1994:110). / Despite the politeness of this response, it very clearly rejected their case.
2. (noun) long wooden trumpet - from 1 to 2 metres in length and made of wood and bound with vine. The mouthpiece was a finely carved human figure, and about 8 centimeters inside the cylinder was a tongue or valve of wood called tohetohe.
See also pūkāea
1. (verb) to be beautiful, handsome, exquisite.
1. (personal name) Tūtānekai married Hinemoa, the beautiful daughter of Umukaria and Hinemaru, who lived at Rotorua. Tūtānekai married her against the wishes of her people when she swam to Mokoia Island, guided by the music of the flute he played.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 158-164; Te Māhuri Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 2;)
I runga i tana kōhatu a Hinemoa e noho ana i te tangihanga mai o te kōauau a Tūtānekai i Mokoia (TTT 1/6/1927:599). / Hinemoa was sitting on her rock when Tūtānekai played his flute on Mokoia Island.
1. (noun) swamp aster, Olearia semidentata - a beautiful daisy endemic to the Chatham Islands where it is found in peaty ground and bogs. Can grow 2–3 m tall. Flowers appear over the summer months from November, fruiting follows in January and February. The colour of the ray florets is variable, often starting purple and fading to pink or white over time. The disc florets are dark purple. Leaves are dark green with white tomentum (a covering of short dense hairs) underneath and younger stems are often covered with the same.