1. (loan) (modifier) iron, steel, metal.
Tērā ngā raiona i ngā marae i Rānana, e rua tahi, i roto i te taiepa rino, ko te tourawhi, ko te uwha. Te haere rā tētahi taitama ki te mātakitaki. Ka kai nei ngā kanohi o te tangata rā, ā, nāwai ka whawhao atu te ringa ki roto ki te taiepa rino. Ehara! Te makanga mai o ngā peke o ngā raiona rā, tītaritari ana ngā kikokiko o te ringa tae noa ki te whatīanga (KO 15/9/1884:14). / There were a pair of lions in the zoo in London inside an iron fence, a male and a female. A youth went there and was watching them, and after a time he put his hand inside the iron fence. Surprise surprise! When the lions struck with their paws, the flesh of the arm was torn to pieces right up to the elbow.
2. (loan) (noun) iron (Fe), steel, metal.
Kua kite rātou, he pēnei me te rino, me te kapa ngā mea o te rā e kanapa mai ana ki a tātou, ā e kīia ana e toru tekau āhua kē o aua rino i te rā (TW 2/11/1878:545) / They have found that the elements of the sun shining down on us are like iron and copper, and it is said that there are thirty different metals in the sun.
3. (loan) (noun) irons, shackle, leg-irons, manacle.
I ngā wā e ora ana ia, hereheretia ai ōna waewae ki te rino, nāwai rā ka hou te rino ki roto i te kikokiko (TP 10/1899:5). / While he was healthy, his legs were shackled in irons, and presently the shackle worked its way into his flesh.
Synonyms: herehere
4. (loan) (noun) cog, mechanical part, machinery, engine, tool.
Patua kia maunu te rino o te huri (Ma 1853:23). / Hit the cog on the shaft until it loosens.
5. (loan) (noun) railway track.
Kua tahuna e ia te piriti kia wera i te ahi, me te unuunu hoki i ngā rino o te tereina (TJ 12/7/1898:6). / He has burnt the bridge down and has pulled up the railway lines.
Synonyms: ara tereina