1. (personal name) Tūtānekai married Hinemoa, the beautiful daughter of Umukaria and Hinemaru, who lived at Rotorua. Tūtānekai married her against the wishes of her people when she swam to Mokoia Island, guided by the music of the flute he played.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 158-164; Te Māhuri Video Tapes (Ed. 1): 2;)
I runga i tana kōhatu a Hinemoa e noho ana i te tangihanga mai o te kōauau a Tūtānekai i Mokoia (TTT 1/6/1927:599). / Hinemoa was sitting on her rock when Tūtānekai played his flute on Mokoia Island.