



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) swing.

Ka meatia te aka hai kautārere (JPS 1927:373). / The vine was made into a swing.

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1. (noun) swing, swinging.

Ko ngā mahi whakatākaro he kanikani, he waiata, he omaoma, he mōrere, he tūpeke (TWMNT 26/1/1875:21). / The sports consisted of dancing, singing, racing, swinging, and leaping.

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1. (verb) (-tia) to swing on the moari, circle around.

Nāwai i roto te tuahine, ā, ā, kua tū mai i waho, kua hiahia ki te moari, ā, ki a Miru hoki. Tangohanga ake e Miru, ka moari rāua; ka whakahau a Miru ki te iwi rā kia whakakahangia te rere o te moari (JPS 1896:118). / After a long time inside the sister eventually came forth, wanting to swing on the moari, and Miru. Miru then took hold of her, and they swung together, whilst Miru incited the people to increase the flight of the moari swing.

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2. (noun) a type of swing - ropes were attached to the top of a pole and people swung on the ropes.

Ka whakahau a Miru ki te iwi rā kia whakakahangia te rere o te moari (JPS 1896:118). / Miru incited the people to increase the flight of the moari swing.

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1. (verb) (-a) to throw, swing (with a cord, etc.).

Kua nui noa atu ngā kōpere i piua mai ki a rātou, ā, tokorima ngā hēramana i tū. / Numerous arrows were shot at them, wounding five sailors.

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2. (verb) (-a) to wave about, wield, brandish.

Tō uru mahora ka piua e te tai (TTT 1/12/1928:s76). / Your lank hair was washed about by the tide.

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3. (verb) (-a) to skip (with a rope).

Ka emi mai te mano o te tāngata ki te haka, ki te waiata, ki te piu, ki te tutukai, ki te tī, ki te ponga, ki te punipuni, ki te tākaro, ki te pūkana, ki te mahi tinihanga a te Māori (G 1853:vi). / Masses of people gathered to perform haka, to sing, to skip, to play knucklebones, to play hand games, to play the ponga game, to play finger games, to wrestle, to perform the pūkana, and other amusements of the Māori.

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4. (noun) skipping, skipping rope.

—Ko te purei he piu (TJ 19/1/1899:16). / The play was skipping.

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5. (noun) throwing, tossing, casting, flinging, whirling, swinging.

Mehemea kei raro tere tonu te piu a te māhē ki muri, ki mua rānei o te waka, ki te papa rānei o te waka (JPS 1927:355). / Should it be a deep-flowing current, then the sinker should be cast quickly at the stern or bow of the vessel, or in the vessel's course.

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6. (noun) knucklebones move.

Ko te ‘piu’: Ka puritia ngā kōhatu e rima ki te ringa. Ka whiua tētahi, ka whakatakotoria ērā atu o ngā kōhatu e whā ki te papa, me te hopu anō i te kōhatu i whiua (RMR 2017). / The 'piu': The five stones are held in the hand. When one is thrown the other four stones are placed on the ground and the stone that was thrown up is caught again.

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Synonyms: paka, ruke, takitoru, takiwhā


1. (verb) (-a) to wave about, move to and fro, oscillate, swing, skip (with a rope), wield, brandish.

Tino mīharo ana ngā tamariki o te marae ki te hōiho o te Kōmihana, o John Cullen e kanikani haere mai ana, me te Kōmihana e piupiu mai ana i tana pītara (TTR 2000:246). / The children of the marae admired Commissioner John Cullen’s horse as it danced towards them, with the commissioner waving his pistol.

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Synonyms: ngapu, ngāruerue, pioi, takaoreore, kōpiupiu, ngarue, kaurori, koiri

2. (noun) skipping, skipping rope.

3. (noun) waist-to-knees garment made of flax - has a wide waistband and is used in modern times for kapa haka performances.

Nā Te Arawa te poi tuatahi, e 50 te matua, he mā te kākahu, he piupiu te paki (TP 1/8/1901:6). / Te Arawa performed the first poi song and there were 50 in their group, with white garments and piupiu as their skirts.

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4. (noun) crown fern, Blechnum discolor - tufted native ground fern with an erect crown of fronds, paler on the undersides. Separate, rather shrivelled, more erect fronds bear the spores. Also spreads from runners to form colonies. Common in drier and open forest.

5. (noun) kiokio, palm-leaf fern, Blechnum novae-zelandiae - a robust native, creeping ground fern with long drooping fronds commonly found on damp road banks and alongside forest streams. Leaflets strap-like and very finely toothed. New growth tinged pink or red.

See also kiokio

Synonyms: tupari, kiokio, horokio

6. (noun) gully fern, Pneumatopteris pennigera - tufted native ground fern, sometimes forming a short thin trunk. Its brown-stalked, pale, dark-veined fronds have 15-30 pairs of long, round-notched leaflets. Common in damp forest gullies.

See also pākauroharoha

Synonyms: pākau, pākauroharoha


1. (verb) (-a) to toss up, swing the poi, toss up and down, toss about.

Kāore i taro kua eke te waka nei ki runga o te maunga e kīia ana tōna ingoa ko te Hiwi-ki-Mata-terā, haere tonu; Anana! anō rā hoki a 'Tākitimu' kei runga tonu i te ringa tangata e poia ana (JPS 1908:94). / Before long the canoe rested on the mountain known as the Hiwi-ki-Mataterā. Then along it went. Wondrously! 'It was as if 'Tākitimu' was being tossed about upon someones hands.

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2. (verb) (-a) to knead, make into balls.

Ka poia te parāoa. / The flour was made into balls.

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Synonyms: pōpō, pokepoke, poke, kāuto

3. (noun) poi - a light ball on a string of varying length which is swung or twirled rhythmically to sung accompaniment. Traditionally the ball was made of raupō leaves.

Poia atu taku poi, wania atu taku poi (M 2005:202). / Swing afar my poi, skim away my poi.

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4. (noun) poi dance - songs performed, usually by women, in which the poi is swung in various movements to accompany the singing.

Nui atu te mihi ki ngā mahi o te pō, ngā waiata, ngā poi, ngā waiata Māori, Pākehā, me ngā haka taparahi a ngā kaumātua (TTT 1/12/1931:81). / There was much praise for the activities of the night, the songs, the poi, Māori and English songs, and the haka taparahi of the elders.

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5. (noun) sphere.

He āhua ahu-3 te poi, he rite ki te āhua o Papatūānuku. Kotahi te mata kōpiko o te poi, kāore ōna kokonga. He ōrite te tawhiti o ngā pūwāhi katoa o te mata i te pū o te poi (TRP 2010:204). / The sphere is a 3-dimensional shape, similar to the shape of the earth. It has one curved surface with no corners. All points on the surface of a sphere are the same distance from its centre (TRP 2010:204).

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1. (verb) (-a) to nurture, care for, look after, toss, swing, wave about.

E hoa mā, kia āta poipoi i tā tātou manu (KO 15/1/1885:4). / Friends, let's carefully nurture our bird.

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Synonyms: whāngai, ahu, tiaki, taute, tieki, penapena, pena, tūpore


1. (verb) to move to and fro, swing backwards and forwards.

Hīkaikai ana ngā waewae, takaoreore ana ngā ringaringa (W 1971:368) / The legs move to and fro while the arms swing backwards and forwards.

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Synonyms: koiri, kaurori, ngarue, ngāruerue, piupiu, pioi, kōpiupiu

2. (noun) playmat.

See also takatākaro


1. (verb) to swing (with the legs off the ground).

Tokowhitu ngā tāngata i mate i te tangata o roto o te pā, he mea tārere mai i runga i ngā pūwhara (JPS 1919:94). / Seven men were killed by the man in the pā when they swung onto the elevated platforms.

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2. (verb) to flow copiously.

Ka haehaea ki te kiri o te tangata, o te wahine, tārere ana te toto, ngā tohu o tā te Māori whakaputanga i te aroha (TP 4/1910:7). / The skin of men and women is lacerated and blood flows copiously, the Māori symbols of the expression of affection.

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3. (noun) swing, pendulum.

Ka rere a Whānui ka tīmata te hauhake i ngā kai; te potonga o ngā kai ka mahia ngā mahi a Ruhanui, koia ēnei: ko te tūperepere, ko te tōreherehe, ko te kai whakatāpaepae, ko te kokomo, ko te tūmahana, ko te kaihaukai, ko te haka, ko te poi, ko te whakahoro taratahi, ko te tā pōtaka, ko te pōtēteke, ko te taupiripiri, ko te mū tōrere, a te whai, a te pānokonoko, o te tararī, a te kīkīporo, a te pākuru, a te tārere, a te kūī, a te kūrapakara, a te rere moari, me ērā atu mea katoa (TWMNT 11/9/1872:110). / When Vega rose the harvesting of the food began; and when that was done the activities of Ruhanui were carried out, which were these: the ceremony and feast to celebrate the storing of the kūmara crop, tobogganing, the displaying of food, the exchanging of gifts between hosts and visitors, feasting and presenting food, performing haka and poi, flying kites, whipping spinning tops, doing somersaults, racing arm in arm, playing draughts, performing string games, playing the pānokonoko string game, playing the jew's harp, beating the time to songs with pieces of wood held against the cheek, playing the mouth resonator, swinging, calling kūī, playing kūrapakara, swinging on the moari, and all those other games.

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4. (noun) variety of harakeke from Te Tai Rāwhiti. Short, bendy, bright yellow-green blades, giving the bush a yellowish appearance. Beautiful raranga flax and valued for kete. Not a muka variety.


1. (verb) (-a) to strike at (with a weapon).

Tiua atu, tiua mai, kua hinga anō te tangata, tokorua i hinga ai (JPS 1905:74). / Stiking this way and that way, and two more men fell.

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2. (verb) (-a) to soar, wander, swing, sway to and fro.

Kātahi anō ka rere ngā manu rā, aua tonu ake, kātahi anō ka tiu ki runga ki te pā o Rākai-hiku-roa (JPS 1905:76). / Then the kites ascended a great height and soared above the pā of Rākai-hiku-roa.

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3. (noun) north, northerly wind.

E kore koe e ora, ē ī, i ngā hau o te tiu e āia nei te pūpū tara ki uta (M 2005:278). / You will not survive the northerly winds that drive the large trumpet shell ashore.

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Synonyms: hau raki, tūāraki, muri, nōta, marangai, hauraro, raki, whakararo, tokerau


1. (verb) (-a) to swing.

Me hanga e koe he kēti e taea ana te whakapiu kia tuwhera. / You should make a gate that can be swung open.

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2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to make into a poi song.

Nō te otinga o ngā kupu i whakapoia kētia mai e rātou (Kāretu 2010:12) / When the words were completed they made it into a poi song instead.

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1. (verb) to revolve, spin, rotate, twirl, move around, produce a humming sound with a disc.

Koirā te tau i porotiti haere ai a Tahupōtiki i roto o Taranaki me Waimarino ki te rapu tamariki i roto i ngā whānau Metoriti, hei tuku ki Turakina (TTR 1996:35). / That was the year that Tahupōtiki went around Taranaki and Waimarino seeking pupils for Turakina among Methodist families.

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Synonyms: porotītiti, takaporepore, huri, hurihuri, takahuri, takahurihuri, tāwhiowhio

2. (modifier) round, circular.

I te taha o te toka roa, e rua ngā kōhatu porotiti, kotahi putu pea te whānui (RK 1994:25). / Beside the long rock were two round stones about one foot wide.

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Synonyms: kōpio, porotītiti, porotaitaka, porokawa, tōpuku, whakaawhiwhi, karapoi, whiringa, kunekune, kōtakataka, porowhita, rauna

3. (noun) spinning disc, humming disc - disc with two holes through which a string is threaded and used to make the disc spin.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 169-170;)

Nā, ka tae te mahi, he kū, he pākuru, he tō, he pūtōrino, he kōauau, he tōrehe, he tī papaki ringa, he porotiti, he kaupeka - kāore a Kae i kata (JPS 1928:270). / So they tried playing kū, pākuru, tō, pūtōrino, kōauau, tōrehe, hand-clapping, porotiti, and kaupeka - but Kae did not laugh.

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4. (noun) spinning, rotating, whirling, revolving, swinging, twirling.

Ka rawe anō ki te titiro atu i ngā mahi a Raukatauri; ko ngā kākahu o te hunga poi he mā katoa, rawe ana tērā te porotiti a te poi (TPH 30/11/1900:4) / It was great to watch the activities of Raukatauri; the garments of the poi performers were all white and the twirling of the poi was excellent.

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Synonyms: porotītiti, whakatīkorikori

5. (noun) counter.

He whero te porotiti ka tangohia i te ipu (i te whakamātau tūponotanga i runga nei). He putanga matapōkere tēnei nā te mea he ōrite te tūponotanga puta o ia porotiti (TRP 2010:165). / The counter taken from a container is red. This is a random outcome because the outcome probability for each counter are the same.

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1. (verb) (-ngia,-ria,-tia) (hāua) to strike, hew, chop, fashion with an adze, smite, hit.

He mea hahau aua whare i roto i ngā kōhatu (TJ 17/11/1898:9). / Those houses were made in the rocks.

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2. (noun) adzing, hewing, chopping.

E toru tau a Piri e akona ana e Eramiha Kapua ki ngā tikanga o te hahau i te rākau, o te whakairo, o te karakia me ngā tikanga anō hoki o te tapu e pā kau ana ki te mahi whakairo (TTR 1998:143). / Piri spent three years being taught by Eramiha Kapua on the techniques of adzing wood, carving, ritual chants and rules of tapu proper to the art of carving.

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3. (noun) stroke (golf), swing (golf).

4. (noun) charm for curing tumours, chemotherapy.


1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-tia) to turn bottom upwards, flip over, dig, turn over the soil, swing on a pivot (as a door), flip over.

Ko Ira kē ki te kauhuri i tā māua māra, me ētahi anō o aku whanaunga (HP 1991:261). / It was Ira instead who dug over our garden, along with some of my other relatives.

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2. (modifier) swinging on a pivot (as a door).

Ka tae mai pea te Pākehā, ka mōhio te Māori ki te tatau kauhuri. / When the Pākehā arrived the Māori probably learnt about doors that swing.

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3. (noun) cultivation.

Ko te iwi kaha atu tēnei mō te kauhuri i te whenua ki te hāpara (TPH 15/11/1900:5). / These people are very skilled in the cultivation of the land with the shovel.

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4. (noun) hinge.


1. (noun) hammerhead shark, Sphyrna zygaena - an ashy-grey coloured shark with lateral extensions of the skull shaped like a double-headed hammer. The eyes are at the extremities of the hammerhead.

See also mangōpare

2. (noun) game where a piece of kūmara or other object is stuck on a wand and is thrown by swinging the wand.


1. (verb) (-a,-hia) to stir up, beat, whisk.

Me kaurori tonu te kirīmi ki tētahi mea maitai, kaua ki te rākau (TTT 1/10/1927:696). / The cream should be stirred with something of metal, not wood.

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2. (verb) (-a,-hia) to totter, stagger, move to and fro, swing, turn on a pivot.

Kua kore e pai te hīkoi o ana waewae, kua kaurori noa iho, kua kuia (W 1971:108). / She could no longer walk properly, she just tottered about, she was elderly.

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Synonyms: koiri, ngarue, ngāruerue, piupiu, pioi, takaoreore, kōpiupiu

3. (noun) hinge.

Kua hoatu he hinu ki ngā kaurori o te kūaha, kua māmā noa ake te huaki me te kati (HJ 2015:42). / Oil has been applied to the door's hinges, and opening and shutting it is a lot easier.

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1. (verb) to swing, oscillate, move to and fro, roll, toss about.

Ka rua hāora e hoehoe ana, ka rūpeke ngā tāngata ki runga ki te tima e tū ana i waho e kōpiupiu noa ana i te nui o te ngaru (TWMNT 6/7/1875:154). / The rowing backwards and forwards took two hours before the people had boarded the steamer standing off shore, rolling in a heavy swell.

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Synonyms: ngapu, ngāruerue, piupiu, pioi, takaoreore, koiri, kaurori, ngarue, whakarārangi, hurihuri, pukapuka, pīrori, rōra, rōru, rārangi ingoa, whakatakahuri, takahuri

2. (noun) baby swing (seat), baby rocker (seat).

3. (noun) swinging, oscillating, moving to and fro, rolling, tossing about.

Kua marino te āhua o tēnei huarahi, ko ngā kare kua mutu te hurihuri, te kōpiupiu (KO 15/6/1885:1). / The conditions of this route had calmed, the waves had stopped tossing about.

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Synonyms: tarapepe, whakatīkorikori


1. (verb)  to revolve, spin, rotate, move around, produce a humming sound with a disc.

2. (modifier) round, circular.

3. (noun) spinning, rotating, whirling, revolving, swinging, twirling.

See also porotiti

Synonyms: porotiti, whakatīkorikori


1. (noun) stick game - played by six or more people with wooden rods which are thrown by the players to each other in time to a song. Players sit or kneel in a circle a little distance apart from each other. Four sticks are used. Four of the players each have a stick, held vertically in the right hand. In time to the accompanying song they swing the sticks up and down, and, at a certain word in the song, the sticks are thrown to others across or around the circle. At other times, instead of swinging or throwing them, they are lowered until the lower end rests upon the floor, the song giving the cue for all these different actions.

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