1. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia,-tia) to roll, revolve.
Te taenga mai o taua tereina ki Paekākāriki, arā ki kō tata atu, ka takahuri mai tētahi kōhatu nui i te taha o te maunga (TP 2/1811:9). / When that train reached Paekākāriki, that is just beyond, a large rock rolled down the side of the mountain.
Synonyms: porotītiti, porotiti, takaporepore, huri, hurihuri, takahurihuri, whakarārangi, pukapuka, pīrori, rōra, rōru, rārangi ingoa, whakatakahuri, kōpiupiu
2. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia,-a) to turn, spin, alter (position).
Me hanga he tongi whero i te taha ki raro o te pōro, arā ki te taha tonga, hei ritenga mō Niu Tīrani; nā, ka takahuri te pōro, ka ngaro atu taua tongi ki roto ki te pōuritanga, arā kua toene te kānara (TWMNT 5/6/1877:144). / A red dot should be mad on the bottom side of the ball, that is on the south side, to represent New Zealand. Now, when the ball spins around that spot disappears into the darkness, in other words the candle sets.
3. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia,-tia) to overturn (a decision, etc.).
He mea takahuri te whakatau a te Kōti i te tau 1884 (TTR 1990:283). / The court's ruling was overturned in 1884.
Synonyms: huripokinga, tūpoki, tahuri, whakatakahuri, whakataupoki, porohuri, urupoki
4. (verb) (-a,-hia,-ngia,-tia) to convert, change, switch.
I takahuri a Tuiti ki te Hāhi o Ihu Karaiti mō te Hunga Tapu o ngā Rā o Muri Nei, arā, ki te Hāhi Mōmona (TTR 1998:99). / Tuiti converted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, that is the Mormon Church.
5. (noun) convert.
Ahakoa te hari koa o ngā takahuri tōmua ki ngā tohutohu a te Hāhi, kāore tonu rātou i whakaae ki ngā whakaritenga katoa a te Hāhi Mōmona, ā, he maha tonu nei ngā tikanga Māori i puritia tonutia e rātou (TTR 1998:110). / Although the early converts greatly enjoyed the church's teaching, they did not accept all the Mormon practices, but retained many Māori customs.