1. (verb) (-tia) to turn, accept.
Kātahi ka hoatu ngā moni ki ngā Māori, ki te kore e tahuritia aua moni e rātou kātahi ka mahia i raro i ngā tikanga o te Ture mō ngā Rerewē (TW 24/11/1874:44). / Then the money was offered to the Māori, and if that price was not accepted by them, then the matter was dealt with under the procedures of the Railways Act.
Synonyms: whakaae
2. (verb) to be sunk, capsized, overturned.
I te moana te waka nei ka aituā ka tahuri ki waho o Te Kohekohe, he wāhi e tata ana ki Uawa. Ka tahuri rā te waka, ka pupuri ētahi ki te waka, ka kau ia a Te Manuhou me tētahi atu ki uta (TP 8/1905:5). / While at sea off Te Kohekohe, a place near Tolaga Bay, this vessel had a mishap and capsized. When the vessel capsized some clung to the vessel, but Te Manuhou and another swam ashore.
Synonyms: whakataupoki, takahuri, porohuri, urupoki, huripokinga, tūpoki, whakatakahuri, totohu, torongi, whakarukuruku, paremo, taupunga, puoto, kāraha
3. (verb) to be turned, set about, turn over, turn to, set to work.
Ka tahuri ia ki te whawhati kānga, ka tari ki rō whata, i ngā tōnapi ki rō whare (TWK 6:31). / He set about picking the corn and taking it into the storage place, and the turnips into the house.
4. (verb) to be swamped, flooded, inundated.
He pā tēnei kāore i tahuri i ngā waipuke o mua, hei tēnei waipuke ka tahuri (TP 8/1906:11). / This fort had not been swamped by floods before, but in this flood it was swamped.
5. (verb) to be overthrown (of a pā).
Ka tika kē mai taua taua ki Hātaitai, ki Uruhau, ki Te Aka-tarewa, ki Te Wai-hirere, kia tahuri ēnei pā (JPS 1919:90). / The war party headed straight for Hātaitai, Uruhau, Te Aka-tarewa and Te Wai-hirere to overthrow these pā.