1. (verb) (-hia,-ngia,-tia) to agree, consent, accede, say yes, accept, allow, approve, authorise.
Me utu ngā mema o te poari (ngā Pākehā me ngā Māori) ki ngā utu tau me ērā atu utu hoki e whakaaetia e te pāremete i ia wā, i ia wā (TJ 12/4/1898:1). / The members of the board (both European and Māori) should be paid an annual stipend, and other payments to be agreed on by Parliament each time.
2. (noun) assent, agreement, permission.
Ko te mōtini tuarua nei, e kore au e whakaae atu, engari kia tae rā anō au ki tōku iwi, mā rātau anō e whakaae, ka tika ai taku whakaae (TW 13/7/1876:260). / I do not agree with the second motion, but when I finally reach my tribe, if they themselves agree, then my agreement will be appropriate.