1. (verb) (-tia) to swing on the moari, circle around.
Nāwai i roto te tuahine, ā, ā, kua tū mai i waho, kua hiahia ki te moari, ā, ki a Miru hoki. Tangohanga ake e Miru, ka moari rāua; ka whakahau a Miru ki te iwi rā kia whakakahangia te rere o te moari (JPS 1896:118). / After a long time inside the sister eventually came forth, wanting to swing on the moari, and Miru. Miru then took hold of her, and they swung together, whilst Miru incited the people to increase the flight of the moari swing.
2. (noun) a type of swing - ropes were attached to the top of a pole and people swung on the ropes.
Ka whakahau a Miru ki te iwi rā kia whakakahangia te rere o te moari (JPS 1896:118). / Miru incited the people to increase the flight of the moari swing.