1. (modifier) northern, to the north.
Ko te kāinga i noho ai a Mihikitekapua ko Te Matuahu, kei te taha tūāraki o Waikaremoana (M 2004:76). / Mihikitekapua lived at Te Matuahu, a settlement on the northern shore of Waikaremoana.
Synonyms: whakararo
2. (noun) north.
Rangiuru: He maunga kei te tūāraki whaka-te-hauāuru o Te Puke; ko te ingoa nui o te takiwā o Te Puke (M 2006:58). / Rangiuru. A mountain on the north-west of Te Puke; it is also the district name of the locality of Te Puke (M 2006:59).
Synonyms: muri, nōta, tokerau, tiu, hauraro, raki, whakararo, marangai
3. (noun) north wind.
Mā te tūāraki e kawe te aroha ki te tau kua wehe nei ki te tonga (PK 2008:988). / The north wind will carry my love for my darling who has departed to the south.