



Loan words

Historical loan words





Loan words

Historical loan words


1. (noun) shoot.


1. (noun) centre shoot, young centre leaf of the harakeke, new harakeke shoot.

Hutia te rito o te harakeke, kei whea to korimako e kō? (JPS 1990:55). / If you pluck out the centre shoot of the flax, where will the bellbird sing?

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1. (verb) (pūhia) to shoot, blow, fire (a gun), shooting, blowing.

Otirā i turi te nuinga ki tana kupu, nō reira ka tīkina e ia tana pū hurihuri, ka mea, mehemea ka tohe rātou ka pūhia e ia, turi tonu tētahi o ngā tāngata, pūhia ana e ia ka tū ki te hūwhā (TWMNT 14/5/1873:53). / But the majority were deaf to his statement, and so he went and got his revolver and said that if they persisted he would shoot them and one of the men still would not listen, so he shot him, wounding him in the thigh.

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Synonyms: puhanga, moutī, pārure, pārure tīrore, rohe tītere, pupuhi, pihi, pipihi, tupu, pihinga, kāwai, tītere, puhipuhi, kotete, tipu, kōkihi, wene


1. (noun) end, extremity, nipple (of the breast).

I mate mai a Īhaka Whaanga ki Te Māhia i te 14 o Tīhema 1875, ā, he mea tāpuke i runga i tētahi maunga tū tahanga noa iho i te kōmata tonga o te pito o Te Māhia (TTR 1990:395). / Īhaka Whaanga died at Māhia on 14 December 1875. He was buried on an isolated hill at the southern tip of the Māhia peninsula (DNZB 1990:585).

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2. (noun) young tender shoots of plants such as the cabbage tree.

I reira anō hoki te poaka pūihi, te tia, te pikopiko me te kōmata (TTR 2000:206). / There there were also wild pig, deer, fern fronds and the tender shoots of the cabbage tree.

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3. (noun) darling, beloved, dearest, treasure.

Taku kōmata, taku kahurangi pīataata (W 1971:131). / My darling, my shining jewel.

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rohe tītere

1. (noun) shooting circle.

2. (noun) (basketball) keyhole.


1. (noun) young succulent shoot of a fern, fern frond, fern shoot.

He nui ngā kōrero e mea ana, ko te koru e tohu ana i te tipu hou, inā tōna rite ki te pītau huruwhenua (RTA 2014:107). / There are numerous accounts that say the koru symbolises a new shoot, like the fern frond.

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2. (noun) perforated spiral carving.

Ko wai te tangata kei te kainga-a-ngaru o te waka, ko wai kei te tainga-riu, ko wai kei te pītau o te kei? (TTT 1/1/1924:8). / Who is the person at the bow of the canoe, who is at the bailing place, and who is at the carved stern post.

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3. (noun) figurehead of a canoe ornamented with perforated spiral carving.

Kei runga kei te pītau e whēterotero ana te arero (W 1971:284). / On top was the carved figurehead with the tongue protruding.

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4. (noun) canoe with a pītau figurehead.

Kei te puhinga ki ngā huruhuru kererū, tūī, ehara! kātahi anō ka āta pīwari tēnei mea te waka taua, he toiere, he waka whakarei, he pītau (M 2006:364). / When it is adorned with pigeon and tūī feathers, behold how beautiful the war canoe is, a toiere (war canoe with carved stem and stern), a whakarei (ornamental canoe) and a pītau (canoe with a figurehead ornamented with perforated spiral carving).

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1. (verb) (-a) to spring up, begin to grow.

Ka pō, kātahi ka whakaaro ngā tāngata whenua, a Ngāti Hinewai, koi tahuri te taua ki te hauhake i ngā purapura o ā rātau māra kūmara, kua pihi hoki te kūmara, ngā tipu (JPS 1919:93). / When night fell the local people, Ngāti Hinewai, became concerned that the war party might set about harvesting the tubers of their kūmara gardens as the kūmara had started shooting sprouts.

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2. (noun) shoot, sprout, antler, horn.

Ko ngā pihi o te purapura i te take o te purapura e kore e tino kaha te tupu o ērā, tēnā ko te pihi e tupu ake ana i te matamata o te rīwai e ngakia ana hei purapura, ko te pihi tērā e tino nui he rīwai e tupu (TW 20/4/1878:177). / The sprouts at the base of the tuber don't grow very vigorously, whereas the shoots growing up from the top of the potato produce much more vigorous offspring.

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See also tū ngā pihi, pipihi

Synonyms: tupu, kotete, tipu, kōkihi, wene, pupuhi, pipihi, puhi, puhipuhi, pihinga, kāwai, tītere


1. (noun) shoot, young plant, seedling.

Arā anō he aruhe i kainga e te Māori, tae atu ki ngā pihinga o te kōwaowao, te rereti, te mouku, te huruhuru whenua, te koru o te kiokio me te pikopiko (Te Ara 2012). / Māori ate other ground ferns, including the young shoots of hound’s tongue fern, rereti, hen and chickens fern, the shining spleenwort, the young curled shoots of kiokio and common shield fern.

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Synonyms: tupu, tipu, wana, kotete, kōkihi, wene, pupuhi, pihi, pipihi, puhi, puhipuhi, kāwai, tītere


1. (adjective) be meandering, wandering, rambling, winding.

Haere ai anō te kaipuke i te taha ki uta o taua toka, engari he pikopiko te ara (TWMNT 23/3/1875:67). / Ships travel on the inland side of the reef, but the route meanders about.

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See also kōpikopiko

Synonyms: kōpikopiko, ikimoke, karore, kāwekaweka, parure, kaipāwe, autaki

2. (modifier) winding, crooked, meandering.

E kī ana a Riwingitone, "He mea āhuareka te titiro whakamuri ki te roa o tō mātou tira e whakawiri haere ana i te huanui pikopiko." (TWMNT 10/5/1874:110). / Livingstone says, "It was pleasant to look back at the length of our travelling party as it twisted along the winding path."

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3. (noun) young curved fern shoots.

I reira anō hoki te poaka puihi, te tia, te pikopiko me te kōmata (TTR 2000:206). / There there were also wild pig, deer, fern fronds and the tender shoots of the cabbage tree.

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4. (noun) common shield fern, Polystichum neozelandicum subsp. zerophyllum - tufted native ground fern with few fronds, dark, shiny and leathery, on black, wiry stalks with short, hair-like scales.

Synonyms: tutoke


1. (verb) (pūhia) to blow frequently, puff (a pipe). Usually pūhia in the passive form.

Kāore anō ia kia pā ki te waipiro kia puhipuhi rānei i te paipa (TP 3/1907:5). / He has not yet touched liquor or smoked.

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2. (verb) (pūhia) to shoot, fire, discharge (a gun). Usually pūhia in the passive form.

Kātahi a ia ka hoki ki te taha whakararo o te awa, i reira nei ngā taua me ā rātau pū e huihui ana; kātahi rātau ka haka, ā, ka puhipuhi i ā rātau pū (TTR 1990:292). / He then returned to the northern side of the river where the war parties armed with muskets had gathered. Then they performed haka and discharged their guns.

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Synonyms: pipihi, puhi, tupu, kāwai, tītere, pihinga, kotete, tipu, kōkihi, wene, pupuhi, pihi

3. (noun) smoking.

Kāhore rawa he painga o te puhipuhi paipa (TP 7/1907:4). / There's absolutely no benefit from smoking a pipe.

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4. (noun) shooting.

(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 53;)

Ka arumia atu, ka ngāwari te puhipuhi i ngā kaiaru nō te mea i hangā he rāihe kaha ki muri o Ruapekapeka hei waonga i a rātou i ngā hōia (TTR 1990:36). / They were pursued and it was easy to shoot the pursuers because a strong defensive stockade had been built behind Ruapekapeka as a defence against the soldiers.

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Synonyms: pupuhi, puhi, puhanga, moutī, pārure, pārure tīrore, rohe tītere


1. (verb) (pūhia) to blow, shoot, fire (a gun), spout (as a whale).

Ina rā, te pūhutihuti me te mā o ngā makawe, te kikorangi o ngā whatu, te tāroaroa o te hanga, te paipa i te waha, he pāhau te kanohi, me tana kāmeta mau haere tonu e pūhia ana e te hau kaha o Pōneke (TTR 1996:188). / Tall, bearded, with a shock of white hair and blue eyes, pipe in mouth, ever-present scarf flicking about in Wellington's stiffer breezes, he was instantly recognisable (DNZB 3:493).

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See also puhi

Synonyms: puhi, puhipuhi, tupu, kāwai, tītere, pihinga, kotete, tipu, kōkihi, wene, pihi, pipihi

2. (noun) shooting, blowing.

Ko Niu Tīreni anō hoki te tiamupiana o te ao katoa mō te pupuhi pū, mō te putupaoro (TP 9/1904:9). / New Zealand is also the champion of the whole world in shooting and football.

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See also puhanga, puhanga

Synonyms: puhi, puhipuhi, puhanga, moutī, pārure, pārure tīrore, rohe tītere

rohe keo

1. (noun) shooting circle (netball).


1. (noun) young shoot, frond.

Ka whakamahia te kātua o te kaponga me te nīkau hei pou mō ngā whare. Ko ngā tētē hei purupuru i te tuanui (Te Ara 2013). / The trunks of tree ferns and nīkau palms were used for house posts. The fronds were used to stop up the chinks in the roof.

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2. (noun) chief.

Mate atu he tētē, ara mai he tētē (TTR 1990:120). / When a fern frond dies another emerges. (A figurative use - as one chief dies another rises to take his place.)

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3. (noun) figurehead of a canoe without arms and legs.

E whā ngā waka nei, he waka toiera, he waka pītau, he waka pakoko, he waka tētē (TP 4/1911:10). / These four canoes were: a war canoe with a carved stern and stem, a canoe with a figurehead, a canoe with an armless figurehead, and a canoe with a figurehead without arms and legs.

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4. (noun) Prince of Wales Feathers, crape fern, Leptopteris superba - native tufted ground fern, often with a short woody trunk. Fronds tapered equally at both ends, very finely divided. Fluffy to touch. Grows best in cool, wet forest. Frond tapers at both ends.


1. (noun) meteor, shooting star.

Ko ngā ingoa atu mō te kōtiritiri ko te matakōkiri, te tūmatakōkiri, te kōtiri, arā atu (Te Ara 2011). / Meteors, or shooting stars, are called kōtiritiri, matakōkiri, tūmatakōkiri and kōtiri.

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See also kōtiritiri, kōtiri

Synonyms: marau, matakōkiri, kōtiri, kōtiritiri, unahi o Takero, kōkiri


1. (verb) (-ngia,-ria) to grow, increase, spring, issue, begin, develop, prosper, sprout, originate - western dialect variation of tipu.

Ko tēnei taru, ko te parakipere e mōhio ana ngā Māori, kei ngā wāhi katoa e tupu ana (TJ 2/8/1898:3). / Māori know that this plant, the blackberry, grows everywhere.

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See also tipu

Synonyms: tipu, , pūtake, take, hua

2. (modifier) real, genuine, own, ancestral.

I te haringa mai i te tinana o Hone Heke, ka tangihia ki Ōtaki, ki Whanganui. Nō te taenga ki tōna kāinga tupu ki Kaikohe, ka uhungatia e Ngā Puhi tōna tūpāpaku (TP 3/1909:3). / When Hone Heke's body was transported here it was wept over at Ōtaki and Whanganui. When it reached his ancestral home at Kaikohe, Ngā Puhi performed traditional funeral rites over his corpse.

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Synonyms: taketake, tipu, ake, anō, , tinana, tino, tūturu

3. (noun) seedling, growth, development, shoot, bud.

Ko ngā witi pūwhero e kaha ake ana te tupu, te hua hoki, i ngā witi kōmā (KO 14/10/1882:2). / Red wheat varieties grow and produce more vigorously than white wheat varieties.

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Synonyms: tipu, wana, pihinga, kotete, kōkihi, wene, pupuhi, pihi, pipihi, puhi, puhipuhi, kāwai, tītere

wāhi puhinga

1. (noun) shooting target.

I tika kē ō matā ki hea? Mārakerake ana tō wāhi puhinga atu (HP 1991:104). / Where did your bullets go? Your shooting target is bare.

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2. (noun) shoot, runner (of a gourd plant, etc.).

He rerekē ngā momo kūmara tahito tērā i ngā momo o ēnei rā – he pōruru ake, iti noa ngā wene, ka mutu, he roa, he kōrahirahi ngā kōpura (Te Ara 2013). / Traditional kūmara plants were different from modern varieties – they were bushy, with few runners, and long, thin tubers.

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Synonyms: tupu, kotete, tipu, kōkihi, pupuhi, pihi, pipihi, puhi, puhipuhi, pihinga, kāwai, tītere


1. (verb) to protrude, poke out the tongue, shoot out (especially of the tongue).

Ka titiro te tākuta, kātahi ka kī atu ki a ia, "E hoa, whātero tō arero." (TM 15/5/1881:3). / When the doctor saw him he said to him, "My friend, poke out your tongue, please."

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Synonyms: whāterotero, whētero, koure, tiko, whererei, kōture, kounu

2. (noun) poking out the tongue.

Ko te whātero te pana whakawaho i te arero. Ko te tāruarua hohoro i te whātero, ka kīia tērā ko te naki (RMR 2017). / The whātero is poking out the tongue. Rapid repeating of poking out the tongue is called the naki.

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1. (verb) to protrude, poke out the tongue, shoot out (especially of the tongue).

Ka kino te kuia rā i te rongonga i te ingoa o Te Huhuti, ka mau ki te toki pounamu, ka hāmama te waha, ka pūkana, ka whāterotero te arero, ka ngau ōna niho ki a Te Huhuti (M 2006:280). / The elderly lady was angry when she heard the name of Te Huhuti and she grasped the greenstone adze, yelled out, grimaced, poked out her tongue and gritted her teeth at Te Huhuti.

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Synonyms: whātero, whētero, koure, tiko, whererei, kōture, kounu


1. (verb) (-ria) to grow, increase, spring, issue, begin, develop, sprout, prosper, originate - eastern dialect variation of tupu.

E tipu ana i reira te miro, te kawhi, te tupeka, me te tōhuka (TP 8/1899:3). / Cotton, coffee, tobacco and sugar cane grow there.

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See also tupu

Synonyms: whakapuāwai, tupu, , pūtake, take, hua

2. (modifier) real, genuine, own, ancestral.

I muri tata tonu mai ka mahue i a rātou tō rātou kāinga tipu, a Kāwhia (TTR 1990:246). / Immediately after, they abandoned their ancestral home at Kāwhia.

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Synonyms: tupu, taketake, ake, anō, , tinana, tino, tūturu

3. (noun) seedling, growth, development, shoot, bud, plant.

Ko te nuinga o ngā tipu he uri nō Tāne Mahuta, nō Rongomātāne, ā, nō Tangaroa hoki ētahi (RP 2009:402). / The majority of plants are of the realm of Tāne Mahuta, Rongomātāne and Tangaroa.

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Synonyms: tanu, pou, rākau, tou, rumaki, tiri, tiritiri, kōkō, whakatō, whakatōtō, whakatopatopa, marotiritiri, tupu, wana, pihinga, pihi, pipihi, puhi, puhipuhi, kāwai, tītere, kotete, kōkihi, wene, pupuhi

4. (noun) swelling, lump.

Me haere koe ki te rata kia tirohia mai te tipu i tō tuarā. / You had better go to the doctor to have the lump on your back looked at.

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Synonyms: poikurukuru, pōkurukuru, repe, koropuku, pungapunga, punga, huahua, pukupuku, puku

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