1. (verb) to protrude (especially of the tongue), poke out the tongue.
Ka whiwhi kai te tamaiti, ka kite atu tētehi kāore ana kai. Ko reira puta ai ngā kupu whakatoi whakakīia te tamaiti e kai ana, ka pūkana ngā kanohi, ka whētero te arero (TKO 31/3/1921:10). / When a child has food and sees another has no food, then the child who has food teases, does the pūkana and pokes out her tongue.
Synonyms: whātero, whāterotero
2. (noun) protruding tongue.
Ara mai ana ngā taua a ētahi hapū noa atu, tū ana ki runga pūkanakana ai ngā karu me te whētero o te arero, tūpeke ngā waewae, aroarohaki ngā ringaringa (TWMNT 30/11/1875:283). / Hostile bands of other distant subtribes rise up, dilating their eyes, protruding their tongues, jump about and their hands tremble.