2. (verb) to come one by one, go one by one, one at a time.
Ka kotiri te haere a ngā tamariki ki te heke iho i te retireti. / The children went one by one down the slide.
3. (modifier) one by one, one at a time.
Ka kohikohia ngā kōwhatu ririki e ia, ka whakatakahia kotirihia ki te wai. / She collected the small stones and dropped them one by one into the water.
Synonyms: taki
4. (noun) meteor, shooting star.
Ko ngā ingoa atu mō te kōtiritiri ko te matakōkiri, te tūmatakōkiri, te kōtiri, arā atu (Te Ara 2011). / Meteors, or shooting stars, are called kōtiritiri, matakōkiri, tūmatakōkiri and kōtiri.
Synonyms: matakōkiri, kōtiritiri, marau, tūmatakōkiri, kōkiri, unahi o Takero