1. (verb) to be many.
He rangatira kaipuke nui ēnei tāngata, ā, he pio ngā hoa o ēnei tangata i haere mai ai i a rātou (TW 2/10/1875:259). / These men were captains of large ships, and they brought many other people with them.
Synonyms: tuarea, mahamaha, te hanga a te, te mahi a te ..., tini, tokomaha, maha, tuauriuri, marea, wene, mahi, hia, takitini, nui
2. (noun) majority, many.
Nāna anō pea i whakanewha ngā kanohi o te iwi whakapai atu ki a ia i kore ai rātou e kite i te mana kore o te pio o ana kupu (TW 5/2/1876:65). / Perhaps he hoodwinked the people into liking him whereby they could not see the lack of authority in the majority of his words.