2. (verb) (-a) to plunge in, stick in (a paddle, knife, stake, etc.).
Ka poua ngā oka ki te kōpū o te mango (TP 8/1903:11). / The knives were plunged into the belly of the shark.
3. (verb) (-a) to plant.
4. (verb) (-a) to appoint, anoint.
Ka poua e Wiremu Tāmihana te hinu ki runga i te māhunga o Pōtatau (Wh4 2004:18). / Wiremu Tāmihana annointed the head of Pōtatau with oil.
5. (noun) post, upright, support, pole, pillar, goalpost, sustenance.
Ko taua mīhini āna mahia e te tangata kotahi, pēnei kia kotahi rau e toru tekau pou taiepa e oti te pokapoka he kōwhao ki aua pou 130 i te hāora kotahi (TW 25/5/1878:263). / That machine of his is operated by one person and can drill holes in one hundred and thirty fence posts per hour.
Synonyms: pōhi, pouihi, tokotoko, koteo, toko, tiripou, turupou, tumutumu, tumu, pōra, poupou, tīrou, tōpito o te ao, pōhi, turuturu
6. (noun) support, supporter, stalwart, mentor, symbol of support, metaphoric post - someone, a group, tribe, gathering or something that strongly supports a cause or is a territorial symbol, such as a mountain or landmark, representing that support.
Nā, i muri o ēnei pou, ko ngā pou whenua me ngā pou tangata, i whakakotahi ai ngā iwi ki raro i te Kīngitanga (Wh4 2004:18). / Now, as well as these gatherings of support there are the landmarks symbolising support and the supporters that unite the tribes under the King Movement.
Ko ngā pou pupuru whenua tēnei i tukua ki raro i te Kīngitanga o Pōtatau. Ko Karioi, ko Titiokura, ko Taranaki, ko Pūtauaki, ko Kai-iwi, ko Ngongotahā, ko Tararua, ko Te Aroha. Ko ngā pou whenua tēnei i tukua e ngā iwi nōna aua whenua ki raro i te Kīngitanga o Pōtatau (TMP 25/7/1893:3). / These are the land symbols of support that were placed under the King Movement authority of Pōtatau to hold their lands: Karioi, Titiokura, Taranaki, Pūtauaki, Kai-iwi, Ngongotahā, Tararua, and Te Aroha mountains. These are the land symbols of support for those lands that had been placed by the tribes under King Pōtatau's protection.
7. (noun) column.
He momo pātengi raraunga te ripanga, he tūtohi, he rite ki te tukutuku te āhua, arā, he kapa ōna, he pou hoki (TRP 2010:241). / A spreadsheet is a type of database, a chart that looks like a grid, that is it has rows and columns.
8. (noun) teacher, expert.
piki kōtuku
1. (noun) darling, treasure, symbol of prestige and uniqueness.
Ka naomia mai e aku tuākana rangatira e Te Hati rāua ko Te Ngārara Houkāmau, e tō mātau pāpā hoki, e Hōri Mahue 'hei piki kōtuku ki ō rātau māhunga, hei māpihi maurea ki ō rātau taringa' (TTT 1/5/1926:401). / My senior chiefs, Te Hati and Te Ngārara Houkāmau, and our uncle, George Mahue, grabbed her 'as a plume for their heads and as a treasure for their ears'.
1. (verb) (-a,-ina,-ngia,-tia) to instruct, advise, save the life of, spare, guide, direct, instruct, appoint.
E tino maumahara ana au ki taua pō e inoi ana tō mātau koroua ki Te Atua kia tohungia mātau (HP 1991:14). / I well remember that night when our grandfather was praying to God that we be spared.
Synonyms: tohutohu
2. (verb) (-a,-ina,-ngia,-tia) to point out, show, indicate, point at, gesticulate.
E tohu ana ia i mua o ngā matua rā, me te mea tonu ka whatiwhati te taiaha i roto i ngā ringa (JPS 1911:22). / He was gesticulating before the army divisions as if the taiaha would break in his hands.
Synonyms: whakakite, tiata, whakaariari, whakaaturanga, whakaari, tītohu, hura, mataraharaha, tuhi, tohutohu, whakaatu, tūtohi, whakahahaki, whakaatuatu, arataki, tūtohu
3. (verb) (-a,-ina,-ngia,-tia) to preserve, conserve.
I te tukunga o te patu i te tau 1865, ka kī taurangi a Kerei me Te Mākarini, ka tohua ngā whenua o Ngāti Porou ki a rātau anō (TTR 1990:40). / When weapons were laid down in 1865 Grey and McLean promised that Ngāti Porou land would be preserved for the tribe's own use.
Synonyms: rokiroki, whakapounamu, tohutohu, rarawe, rongoā, whakauka, whakatote
4. (verb) (-a) to perform a ritual.
Tohua ana a Hēnare ki te tikanga pure o te karaka whati, he tikanga whakatakataka i te toa mō te pakanga (TTR 2000:70). / Hēnare underwent the ritual of karaka whati, a practice preparing a warrior for battle.
5. (noun) sign, mark, symbol, emblem, token, qualification, cue, symptom, proof, directions, company, landmark, distinguishing feature, signature.
Kua tae mai ō tohu aroha ki a au, arā ngā aikiha me te neketai i tukuna mai nei e koe (TKO 15/1/1916:5). / Your tokens of affection have arrived, that is the handkerchiefs and tie which you sent.
Synonyms: tūtohi, tohutohu, haina, hāponotanga, whakatūturu, whakatūturutanga, tuhinga ingoa, hainatanga, mokotā, waituhi, mātānawe, matohu, nawe, kōiraira, māka, waitohu, whaitohu, tūtohu
6. (noun) advice, suggestion, guidance.
He tohu kūare tēnei, he hua nō te whakaaro horihori (TP 1/5/1901:1). / This is uninformed advice, a result of incorrect opinion.
1. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to instruct, advise, save the life of, spare, preserve, conserve, show, point at, point out, guide, direct.
Nā Māhutonga i tohutohu mai ō koutou tūpuna, me te nui hoki o tō rātou māia, kia whakawhiti ora mai rātou i Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, ki tēnei whenua (TP 7/1911:10). / It was the Southern Cross that guided our ancestors and with their bravery they were able to cross the Pacific Ocean safely to this country.
Synonyms: tohu, tuhi, rarawe, whakaatu, tūtohu, rongoā, whakauka, whakatote, rokiroki, whakapounamu, tūtohi, whakahahaki, whakaatuatu, arataki, hura, mataraharaha, whakaariari, tiata, whakaaturanga, whakaari, whakakite, tītohu
2. (verb) (-a) to indicate.
4. (noun) direction, advice, instruction, recommendation.
I ngā wā katoa e pā atu ana ōna ringa ki te tūroro, me horoi ōna ringa ki te wai nei i muri iho. Kauaka tēnei tohutohu e takahia (TRA 1/3/1929:950). / At all times when one's hands touch the patient one must wash one's hands with water afterwards. Do not flout this instruction.
Synonyms: kupu tohutohu, taunaki, marohi, tūtohunga, kupu whakatau
1. (noun) life principle, life force, vital essence, special nature, a material symbol of a life principle, source of emotions - the essential quality and vitality of a being or entity. Also used for a physical object, individual, ecosystem or social group in which this essence is located.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 227-228;)
Nā, he mauri tō ngā pakake, he mauri tō ngā tāngata, he mauri tō ngā tuna, he mauri tō ngā manu, he mauri tō ngā ika, nā reira i mate ai ēnei mea katoa i te mākutu; ki te mākututia e te Māori ēnei mea, ka mate, ngaro tonu atu; ahakoa nui ēnei mea, ki te mākututia ka ngaro (BFM 2013:248-249). / Now, whales have a mauri, people have a mauri, eels have a mauri, birds have a mauri, fish have a mauri, therefore everything can be destroyed by mākutu; if the Māori bewitches these things, they will be destroyed and disappear, no matter how big these things are, if a spell is cast upon them they will disappear.
Takoto mai, e koro, kia tangihia koe e ō iwi. Auē! Ka mau te punga here o te waka nei. Ka ngaro koe, te kaihautū, te kākākura o roto i te pōkai, te puhi o Aotearoa, te kura whakahirahira o Te Waipounamu, te mauri o te whenua, te mauri o te tangata, haere! Haere rā! (TP 7/1906:9) / Lie in state, sir, to be wept over by your people. Oh, dear! The anchor of this canoe is taken. You are gone, the fugleman, the leader of the flock, the adored one of the North Island, the important treasure of the South Island, the life force of the land and the people. Depart! Farewell!
See also pā whakawairua
pou whenua
1. (noun) post marker of ownership, boundary marker, land marker post, land symbol of support - post placed prominently in the ground to mark possession of an area or jurisdiction over it.
Ko ngā pou whenua tēnei i tukua e ngā iwi nōna aua whenua ki raro i te Kīngitanga o Pōtatau (TMP 25/7/1893:3). / These are the land symbols of support for those lands that had been placed by the tribes under King Pōtatau's protection.
Kohi: Ko te kūrae i waho o Whakatāne, i te taha rāwhiti. He pou whenua kārangaranga nō tērā takutai, e kaha ana te haere i roto i ngā waiata (M 2004:358). / Kohi: The headland outside of Whakatāne on the eastern side. It is a well-known landmark of that coast, and it is often quoted in songs.
Synonyms: pouwhenua
2. (noun) eye socket.
Kia honuhonu ō kape, kia mārama ai ō kanohi te pūkana (W 1071:96). / Your eye sockets should be deep so that your eyes stand out when doing the pūkana.
3. (noun) kōwhaiwhai symbol - a curved pattern like an eyebrow.
He mea karakara a roto o te kape, ka waiho kia mā a waho (RTA 2014:98). / The inside of the kape symbol is coloured in and the outside is left white.
4. (noun) moko below the eyebrows.
5. (noun) crescent.
1. (noun) long weapon - usually of wood and similar to a taiaha but with a smooth point instead of the carved arero.
Tēnā te rangatira o Taranaki he tangata toa, nui whakaharahara, ko Te Raparapa te ingoa. Ka rere mai taua tangata ki roto ki te riri, ka mate iho i a ia tokowhā ngā tāngata, nā tōna ringa ake anō; kātahi ka rere mai ki te patu i a Te Awa-i-taia. Ko te karohanga a Te Awa-i-taia i te pouwhenua a taua tangata, kātahi ka whakarere atu te whiu o tōna wahaika hinga ana a Te Raparapa ki te whenua (TWM 3/5/1866:1). / There was the renowned chief of Taranaki, called Te Raparapa. That man rushed into the battle and he killed four men with his own hand. Then he rushed to kill Te Awa-i-taia. Te Awa-i-taia parried the pouwhenua of that man and then he wielded his wahaika felling Te Raparapa to the ground.
Synonyms: poupouwhenua
2. (noun) post marker of ownership, boundary marker, land marker post, land symbol of support - post placed prominently in the ground to mark possession of an area or jurisdiction over it.
Ko ngā pouwhenua me ngā tāngata tēnei e whai ake nei (Wh4 2004:16). / This following is the list of land marker posts and leaders.
See also pou whenua
Synonyms: pou whenua
3. (noun) supreme tohunga, leader.
Ko tā te rangatira kupu tōna whakataukī ki ahau, ki a Ngā Puhi, he pouwhenua, he toa anō tō tēnā hapū, tō tēnā iwi (TTT 1/9/1922:16). / I, Ngā Puhi, have a saying that each sub-tribe and tribe has leaders.
Synonyms: kaitaki, kaitātaki, kaiārahi, kākākura, kaiwhakataki, wheao, tumuaki, tumu whakarae, kaiarataki, kaikākāriki, ngārahu, tētēkura, uru, kaihautū, kaitakitaki, kaingārahu, manukura, kaiwhakanekeneke, tātāriki, amokapua, amokura, ariki, ihorei, kahika, tātarariki, poutoko, whakataka, amorangi, hautū, manu taupua
1. (noun) life principle, vital essence, special nature, a material symbol of a life principle, source of emotions - the essential quality and vitality of a being or entity. Also used for a physical object, individual, ecosystem or social group in which this essence is located.
Ka mutu tēnei whiti, ka tīmata tēnei i te whakaaranga i te mouri (TWMNT 21/2/1872:49) / When this verse ended, he began the awakening of the mauri.
See also mauri
1. (verb) (-a,-ngia,-tia) to point out, indicate, recommend, prescribe, confirm, acknowledge.
Ko ia tonu tētahi o ngā tākuta tuatahi ki te tūtohu i te pire ārai hapū i ngā tau tōmua o te tekau tau atu i 1960 (TTR 200:124). / She was one of the first doctors to prescribe the contraceptive pill in the early 1960s.
See also tūtohi
Synonyms: whakamihi, mihi, whaikupu, marohi, taunaki, tohu, whakaatu, tuhi, tūtohi, whakahahaki, whakaatuatu, tohutohu, arataki
2. (verb) (-a,-tia) to receive a proposal favourably, consent to.
3. (noun) sign, symbol, mark, indication, tag, indicator.
4. (noun) consent, permission, agreement, compliance.
Hopu atu a Tā Hāmi Ārena, te māngai kāwanatanga, ka whakahokia atu aua koha nei me tētehi reta mārō e whakamārama ana, arā, mehemea kīhai i tukua atu aua koha nei mā te ara tika, ā, i runga anō i te tūtohu a te kāwanatanga o Aotearoa, kāti, tē taea e te Piriniha te tango (TTR 1996:243). / These were returned to the high commissioner, Sir James Allen, with a stiff note explaining that if those gifts were not given in the correct way and with the consent of the New Zealand government the Prince was not able to take them.
Synonyms: whakaaetanga
2. (noun) articulation symbol (music).
He tohu ngā tohu whakapuaki hei whakaatu kia pēhea te whakatangi i tētahi oro (RTP 2015:115). / Articulation symbols are symbols which convey how a note should be played (RTP 2015:115).
1. (verb) (-ia,-ina,-ngia) to mark, signify, indicate.
Nā te kāwanatanga i waitohu ngā Pākehā hai rūri i te whenua, hai whakatakoto i te huarahi, hai whakahaere i ngā mahi (TTR 1990:196). / The government employed Europeans to survey the land, to lay out the road and oversee the work.
Synonyms: tohu, matohu, whaitohu, tūtohu, māka, kōiraira, mātānawe, nawe
2. (noun) mark, symbol, brand, logo, signature, motif, sign.
Riro ana nā ngā waitohu me ngā whakakitenga, tae atu ki ngā tohutohu atu a Mere Rikiriki, te take i whakatika ai a Tahupōtiki ki te whakakaupapa i āna tikanga Karaitiana, me te tikanga nui anō hoki a te Tiriti o Waitangi (TTR 1996:171). / The signs and revelations, coupled with Mere Rikiriki's teachings, led Tahupōtiki to develop his Christian-based beliefs and his stress on the importance of the Treaty of Waitangi.
3. (noun) significance, worth, importance.
E kore tātau e mōhio ki te waitohu nui o te wai kia mimiti rawa te puna (Milroy 2016). / We never know the worth of water until the well runs dry (Milroy 2016).
Synonyms: whakaihiihi, tino, māramatanga, hirahira, whakahirahiratanga, hiranga
1. (verb) (-tia) to recite ritual chants, say grace, pray, recite a prayer, chant.
Nā, ka mahia e ngā tohunga ka unuhia ngā rito kōrari, ka karakiatia kia mōhiotia ai, ka mate ka ora rānei (M 2005:280). / Now, the tohunga plucked the centre shoots of the flax, and recited incantations over them to ascertain whether the result would be defeat or victory.
Synonyms: inoi
2. (noun) incantation, ritual chant, chant, intoned incantation, charm, spell - a set form of words to state or make effective a ritual activity. Karakia are recited rapidly using traditional language, symbols and structures. Traditionally correct delivery of the karakia was essential: mispronunciation, hesitation or omissions courted disaster. The two most important symbols referred to in karakia are of sticks and food, while the two key actions are of loosing and binding. Individual karakia tend to follow a pattern: the first section invokes and designates the atua, the second expresses a loosening of a binding, and the final section is the action, the ordering of what is required, or a short statement expressing the completion of the action. The images used in karakia are from traditional narratives. There were karakia for all aspects of life, including for the major rituals, i.e. for the child, canoe, kūmara, war party and the dead. Karakia for minor rituals and single karakia include those for the weather, sickness, daily activities and for curses and overcoming curses. These enabled people to carry out their daily activities in union with the ancestors and the spiritual powers.
Hanga rawa anō tōna whare wānanga, hei akonga mō ngā tamariki ki ngā tini karakia, ki tō rātou atua tapu, te karakia mākutu, te karakia ātahu, te karakia wehe, te karakia taupō, te karakia hono i te iwi whati, te karakia whakahoki mākutu, te karakia patu i ngā tapu, te karakia i ngā kanohi pura, te karakia mō te raoa, te karakia mō te haere ki te whawhai, te karakia whakaara i ngā tapu, te karakia kia ua te rangi, te karakia kia mao te ua, te karakia kia whatitiri, kia rū te whenua, kia maroke ngā rākau, kia maroke te wai, kia ngaru te moana, kia rokia te moana, kia haere mai ngā ika taniwha o te moana, ngā ngārara o te tuawhenua, te karakia o te huamata, te pure o te hua mai o te tau, te karakia o te kawenga ki roto i te rua tāhuhu, i te rua kōpiha rānei, te karakia o te tomokanga ki te ngāherehere, o te whakaputanga mai rānei i ngā manu mate ki waho o te ngahere, te karakia o te whakaatahanga o te whare o te whakatuheratanga hoki o te whare, te karakia o te nehunga tūpāpaku, te karakia o te whānautanga tamariki, o te whakaputanga hoki ki waho i te whare kōhanga, o te tohinga rānei i te ingoa (TJ 20/6/1899:3). / He built his academy of learning to teach the children the many ritual chants, their sacred god, karakia for witchcraft, to bewitch, to divert affections, for ?ulcers, to mend broken bones, to counter witchcraft, to kill using tapu, for blindness, for choking, for going into battle, to lift tapu, for rain, for rain to cease, to cause lightning, to cause earthquakes, to make trees dry up, to dry up water, to make the sea rough, to calm the sea, to attract large fish of the ocean and insects of the land, karakia for planting, to lift the tapu on a harvest to ensure a plentiful crop, for storing crops in covered pits or pits, karakia for entering the forest or for bringing dead birds out of the forest, karakia for building and opening buildings, for burying the dead, or childbirth and for leaving the house for childbirth and of the naming ceremony.
See also karakia whakahorohoro, karakia whati, karakia haumanu, karakia kikokiko, karakia whakaū
Synonyms: kaha
3. (noun) prayer, grace, blessing, service, church service - an extension of the traditional term for introduced religions, especially Christianity.
2. (noun) character (computers) - a letter, number, punctuation mark, or other symbol.
Ka whakakapi rawa a Excel i ngā pūāhua muhu i ia ingoa mā tētahi pūāhua ahungarua (_) (LP 2017). / Excel will permanently replace invalid characters in each name with an underscore (_) character (LP 2017).
haka pōhiri
1. (noun) welcome haka - ceremonial dance performed to welcome visitors. Sometimes leaves are waved as a symbol of death.
Anō tōna āhua, mehemea nei i kuhu ki roto i tētahi ana, e pūkai ana ngā kōiwi o te hunga kua mate, e tangi ā-wairua mai ana, anō rā ko te reo o ngā whakairo, o ngā tuhi, o ngā tukutuku, o ngā pou tokomanawa, o te tāhā, o ngā heke, o ngā pakitara, ngā haka pōhiri a Ngata mā (TTT 1/4/1930 wh / The welcome dances of Ngata and the others and the laments of those women were as if one had gone into a cave where the bones of the people who had died were piled up, weeping in spirit, and it was as if it was the voice of the carvings, painted art, tukutuku panels, central post, ridge pole, rafters, walls crying out.
See also haka pōwhiri
1. (noun) kawakawa, pepper tree, Macropiper excelsum - a small, densely-branched tree with heart-shaped leaves. Found throughout the North Island and as far south as Banks Peninsula. Used for ceremonies, including removing tapu, for medicinal purposes, and as a symbol of death.
(Te Māhuri Textbook (Ed. 2): 124-125;)
Tīparetia tōu rae ki te rau kawakawa (TWMNT 8/2/1876:34). / Adorn your forehead with kawakawa leaves.
2. (noun) dark to rich green variety of greenstone - resembles the leaves of the kawakawa shrub.
Heoi, whakamanawanui tonu, ka kitea ngā kōwhatu pounamu i konei e Hine-ahu. Nō te tangihanga o Hine-ahu, koia te tangiwai. Nō te nui o tōna rangatiratanga, koia te kahurangi; mō tōna tīparetanga ki te kawakawa koia te kawakawa (JPS 1914:8). / Nevertheless, they went on with stout hearts, and then Hine-ahu discovered some greenstone. Because of her lamentations it was called 'tangiwai'. Because of her rank the kahurangi greenstone was so named; and from her making of headband of kawakawa leaves the kawakawa greenstone variety was named.
Paki o Matariki, Te
1. 'The widespread calm of Pleiades - the name of the coat of arms of the Kīngitanga which was designed by two Tainui tohunga, Tīwai Parāone of the Hauraki tribes and Te Aokatoa of the Waikato and Raukawa tribes. The work was approved in the time of King Tāwhiao, the second Māori king. The double spiral in the centre represents the creation with the series of strokes between the double lines marking off the various stages in the creation of the world. The figure on the right represents te atuatanga (spirituality) and the one on the left aituā (misfortune). The cross with the heart design represents Christianity while the seven stars represent Matariki, the Pleiades. The nīkau tree and harakeke plant on the right represent housing and clothing of the ancient Māori. The mamaku, an edible tree fern, and para, the tuber of which was used as food, are symbolic of the food of the Māori.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 1;)
Hei tohu i te mana me te awe hoki o Mere Rikiriki, i tāpaetia atu ai e Kīngi Tāwhiao he haki māna, e mau nei te īngoa ko 'E Te Iwi Kia Ora'; kātahi te taonga matahīapo ko tēnei; ko ōna tino tohu ko Te Paki o Matariki (TTR 1996:171). / Mere Rikiriki's influence and mana is demonstrated by King Tawhiao's presentation to her of the flag with the name 'E Te Iwi Kia Ora'; this was a prized treasure with significant markings known as Te Paki o Matariki.
1. (noun) weeping, crying, funeral, rites for the dead, obsequies - one of the most important institutions in Māori society, with strong cultural imperatives and protocols. Most tangihanga are held on marae. The body is brought onto the marae by the whānau of the deceased and lies in state in an open coffin for about three days in a wharemate. During that time groups of visitors come onto the marae to farewell the deceased with speech making and song. Greenery is the traditional symbol of death, so the women and chief mourners often wear pare kawakawa on their heads. On the night before the burial visitors and locals gather to have a pō mihimihi to celebrate the person's life with informal speeches and song. In modern times, on the final day the coffin is closed and a church service is held before the body is taken to the cemetery for burial. A takahi whare ritual is held at the decease's home and a hākari concludes the tangihanga.
(Te Pihinga Study Guide (Ed. 1): 80-82; Te Māhuri Study Guide (Ed. 1): 56-57; Te Pihinga Textbook (Ed. 2): 109-112;)
Ka mōhio ana te iwi kāinga he tūpāpaku tō rātau, ka haere katoa mai rātau ki te marae ki te tangi. Ka mutu ana tā rātau nei tangi, kua wātea rātau ki te whakapai i ngā moenga o roto i te wharenui mō ngā ope whakaeke, ā, ki te taka kai anō hoki mā aua ope. Ko tēnei te mahi a te iwi kāinga - he mahi i ngā mahi e pā ana ki tēnei mea ki te manaaki tangata. Ko te mahi a ngā koroua he whaikōrero, he mihi ki ngā ope whakaeke. Ko te mahi a ngā kuia he karanga i ngā ope whakaeke, ā, he tangi. Kāore kē he āwangawanga o te whānau pani ki te manaaki i te manuhiri. Ko tā rātau mahi he noho i te taha o te tūpāpaku tae noa ki te rā e ngaro ai te tūpāpaku ki te kōpū o Papatūānuku...Ka hemo ana te tangata ka uhia ia ki te tapu...Ka haria ake ana te tūpāpaku ki te marae, ka whakatakotoria ki roto i te wharemate...Kātahi ka tīmata te whakaeke mai o ngā manuhiri o ētahi atu wāhi ki te tangi, ki te mihi, ki te poroporoaki ki te tūpāpaku. (RR 1974:20-21). / When the home people know that they have a body of a deceased person they all come to the marae to mourn. When their weeping is finished they are free to prepare the beds in the meeting house for the visiting parties and to prepare food for those groups. This is the task of the home people - carrying out the tasks of providing hospitality. The job of the elderly men is making speeches and greeting the groups coming on. The task of the elderly women is calling on the visiting groups, and weeping. The bereaved family do not have to worry about hosting the visitors. Their task is to sit beside the body right up until the deceased disappears into the womb of Papatūānuku...When a person dies he/she becomes tapu...When the body is taken to the marae it is laid out in a wharemate...Then the visitors of other places begin to arrive to weep, greet and make farewell speeches to the deceased.
See also wharemate, kirimate, whānau pani, pō mihimihi, poroporoaki, pare kawakawa, takahi whare
Synonyms: tangi
2. (noun) sound, playing.
I runga i tana kōhatu a Hinemoa e noho ana i te tangihanga mai o te kōauau a Tūtānekai i Mokoia (TTT 1/6/1927:599). / Hinemoa was sitting on her rock when Tūtānekai played his flute on Mokoia Island.
Synonyms: pureitanga
1. (noun) macron - a symbol to mark long vowels.
Kāore ia i pīrangi ki te tohutō, engari e ai ki tāna, he mea pai atu te whakamahi i te tohu oro tāpara, takitoru rānei (TTR 2000:11). / He did not like the macron, preferring to use the double or triple vowel.
Synonyms: hahae