1. (verb) (-tia) to make permanent, affirm, impose permanently, assure, ensure, confirm, verify, validate, corroborate, authenticate, prove.
Ā, e whakaae ana anō a Tāke, kia mahia, kia whakatūturutia te rohe tauārai o te whenua a Tāke rāua ko Pāhia (TW 22/6/1878:313). / And Turkey also agrees that a boundary between Turkey and Persia be determined and made permanent.
Synonyms: whakapūmau, hāpono
2. (modifier) confirming, verifying, corroborating, authenticating, proving, substantiating.
He kore kōrero whakatūturu i kore ai te komiti e whai kupu (TWMNT 13/3/1877:75). / Because there is no evidence, the committee will not comment.
3. (noun) confirmation, verification, corroboration, authentication, proof.
I te tuatahi, e pōhēhē kē ana tana kāhui, ko Rangi Māwhete, ko Panau Tamatai kē rānei tāna e mea ana. Kāti, nō muri kē tana whakatūturu atu ko tōna whanaunga tata tonu, ko Tahupōtiki Wiremu Rātana kē taua tangata (TTR 1996:171). / Initially, her followers thought she was referring to either Rangi Māwhete or Panau Tamatai. Well, later she confirmed that the person was her close kinsman, Tahupōtiki Wiremu Rātana.
Synonyms: hāponotanga, tohu, whakatūturutanga