1. (verb) (-tia) to make a formal speech.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 243-247;)
Muri mai i tēnā, ka haere ngā tāngata ki raro i te rākau noho ai, kātahi ka tū a Maihi Te Huhu, ka whaikupu atu ki te hunga kua mārenatia (KO 17/3/1887:5). / After that the people went under the tree to sit down and then Maihi Te Huhu stood up and made a speech to the couple who had been married.
See also whai kupu, whaikōrero, whaikī
Synonyms: whaikī, whaikōrero
2. (verb) (-tia) to recommend, make a recommendation.
E whaikupu ana te Komiti kia tino āta whiriwhiria e te Kāwanatanga tēnei pitihana (RT 2013:103). / The Committee recommended that this petition should be carefully considered by the Government.
3. (noun) formal speech.
He maha ō tātou rangatira kua ngaro ki te pō, ā kāore he mea kotahi o rātou i hapa te whaikupu iho ki te iwi (TP 8/1909:1). / Many of our chiefs have gone to the world of the dead and not one of them omitted the speech to the tribe.
See also whai kupu, whaikōrero, whaikī