2. (noun) oratory, oration, formal speech-making, address, speech - formal speeches usually made by men during a pohiri and other gatherings. Formal eloquent language using imagery, metaphor, whakataukī, pepeha, kupu whakaari, relevant whakapapa and references to tribal history is admired. The basic format for whaikōrero is: tauparapara (a type of karakia); mihi ki te whare tupuna (acknowledgement of the ancestral house); mihi ki a Papatūānuku (acknowledgement of Mother Earth); mihi ki te hunga mate (acknowledgement of the dead); mihi ki te hunga ora (acknowledgement of the living); te take o te hui (purpose of the meeting). Near the end of the speech a traditional waiata is usually sung.
(Te Kōhure Textbook (Ed. 2): 243-247;)
Nā Rēweti Kōhere te whaikōrero mō tēnei take, ā ko tēnei hoki te tino take i kōrerotia i tēnei hui (TP 3/1904:10). / Rēweti Kōhere spoke about this matter and this was the main topic discussed at this meeting.
Synonyms: onetū, whaiwhaikōrero
3. (noun) oral evidence.
I tino kaha te tahuri o ngā Kaiwhakawā ki te whiriwhiri i ngā whaikōrero i tukuna ai ki te Kōti i ngā whakawā e rua (RT 2013:103). / The Judges set about vigorously discussing the oral evidence submitted to the Court in the two cases.